The Real Crime Diary Blog Sex Crimes Sexual assault myths: Part 2 | FACTUAL FEMINIST
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Sexual assault myths: Part 2 | FACTUAL FEMINIST

Sexual assault myths: Part 2 | FACTUAL FEMINIST

The United States is not a rape culture, but it is a gender propaganda culture. We are overwhelmed by false information about men and women, and nowhere is this more true than in the area of sexual violence. A new Bureau of Justice Statistics study has the latest numbers, and the Factual Feminist does some fact checking.

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Partial transcript:
As I said last week, the United States does is not a rape culture, but it is a gender propaganda culture. We are overwhelmed by false information about men and women, and nowhere is this more true than in the area of sexual violence. So let’s do some fact checking. That’s next on the Factual Feminist.

We often hear that “female students are at greater risk of rape than their non-college peers.” But this is just not true. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, females enrolled in college experience lower rates of rape and sexual assault than their non-college piers. Senator Gillibrand, and others who repeat this canard, they have to stop.
“If you are a young woman who attends college today, you are more likely to be sexually assaulted than those who don’t.”

Now where does the claim come from? The original source appears to be a 2000 study by Bonnie Fischer and her associates. Well a reporter at the Chronicle of Higher Education recently contacted Fisher to ask what data she used to justify her claim that female college students are most at risk. Well according to the reporter, Fisher could not answer. She was confused. Later, she responded: “That was probably the current state of knowledge or belief at that time, given the research available.” But the data were no different in 2000, and they were available. In a recent New York Times op-ed, University of Colorado Denver researcher Callie Marie Rennison pointed out that our fixation on relatively privileged college women has distracted us from the far greater vulnerability of poor and less educated women.  Rennison found, for example, that “Women without a high school diploma are sexually victimized at a rate 53 percent greater than women with a high school diploma or some college.” Poor women are at greater risk but they have been lost in the current panic over sexual assault at places like Yale, or Swarthmore, or the University of Wisconsin.

Let’s consider another damaging myth. Almost every college employee who receives training about campus rapes will learn that campus rapes are committed by 6 percent of males on campus. And these men tend to be ruthless and incorrigible repeat offenders. This is known as the predator theory of college assault and it’s is taken very seriously by university officials, and they use it to justify cutting back on due process and expelling anyone implicated in a campus date rape. Now this is understandable: deans and college presidents don’t want to keep sociopaths around. Now the theory was developed by a researcher, David Lisak, retired from the University of Massachusetts Boston. In 2002 he and a colleague published a study on campus sex offenders, and for the study they analyzed questionnaires distributed to male passersby in a busy pedestrian area at UMass-Boston. According to Lisak, of the nearly nineteen hundred men who returned the survey, one hundred and twenty respondents – about 1 in 16 – admitted to committing acts that met the legal definition of rape or attempted rape. And more than half of this group admitted to raping more than once and they also confessed to a range of other heinous violent crimes. Well in her excellent critique of Lisak’s study, Slate’s Emily Yoffe points out that the participants were hardly typical. I mean most college students are age 18-24. Lisak’s subjects were 18-71. Now UMass Boston is an urban commuter school with no campus housing and a four-year graduation rate of 15 percent. I taught there in the early 1980s. Things may be different today, but at that time most of my students were adults with full-time jobs and more than a few had been in jail.

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  • @JP-bj2sb June 29, 2024

    I know it from first hand. I am a (female) psychologist who worked as a counselor and as a member in forensic team. About four in 10 girls admitted to me privately that they had fabricated the story, or were unaware that their definition of sexual assault is not the same as the legal ones. ⛔They often say feminists say sexual assault is anything that they may subjectively perceive as such. This is true. Feminists are driven by a rage to accuse men and punish men. They come up with figures like 75% of women are sexually assaulted. I wonder why they don't say 100% , as we all have experienced at least once an uncomfortable comment, staring, compliment, flirt etc. That would make 100% of women and 100% of men. In my opinion the propagation of such broad and subjective definitions should be discouraged, otherwise all the resources of the law enforcement systems are depleted.

  • @dannysullivan3951 June 29, 2024

    What exactly is the point? Rape is a problem across America. Is this just a dig at college educated feminists?

  • @josephesposito3499 June 29, 2024

    While what's being said here is basically true, Christina Hoff Sommers is a SHILL and a fraudster. There is NO SUCH THING as a factual fEMINIST or a good fEMINIST. ALL fEMINISM IS and always was EVIL. It is a fact that only 5% of rape 'claims' involve force. 95% of rape 'claims' involve alcohol & regrett sex. That mean OVER 95% of rape 'claims' are LIES.

  • @joopdesmit June 29, 2024

    Yeah, I've got one for you. Is there any reliable data on sexual violence, on the actual ratio of sexual violence or inappropriate relationships (student/teacher) with men or women being the perpetrator? Why? I read a report once that in female or male teachers are about as likely to have an affair with a minor student. Only that for the boys there is hardly any supportive network, and they will not be believed. Not in their peer group, not by the law, not by caregivers. So they don't show up in the statistics.

  • @DrJohn-rl9zg June 29, 2024

    I tend to agree with you nearly every time. But I am suspicious of your motivations because of your association with neo-liberal think tanks.
    When I recall the history of Black men as being portrayed as oversexed members of a "rape culture", and this thesis being used to control Black men (think Emmett Till), I can not help but think that the propaganda of "rape culture" is little more than a power play. I suspect that most men would need considerable self-restraint not to kill someone who raped a woman that they cared for. Certainly most all feminists recognize this and are using this masculine trait to manipulate men towards their power initiative.

  • @MrsLPAmy June 29, 2024

    This is the feminism I love. Supporting women and also supporting men. It's about equality between the genders and looking at the facts of things.

  • @g2879 June 29, 2024

    Most of these girls that go to college want to explore and try different penises anyway that's pretty much what college is a lot of chicks are whores college is supposed to be the experimental phase of life right?

  • @michael-oq9js June 29, 2024

    For the first time this is coming form a woman great thankyou

  • @sevndsfacecam1922 June 29, 2024

    I like her like she has A LOT of good valid points not strung up in emotions and assumption

    Good Job

  • @krisraps June 29, 2024

    I Heard In America Was This Girl Who Was Drowning, One Men Saved Her Life And After That She Reported Him As A Rape, As He Raped Her because She Was Unconscious And The Men Did To Her God Knows What,. But All He Did Is Save Her Life..
    Rape Is Not When A Guy Hugs You, Rape Is Not When Your LIFE IS Saved, Rape Is When Your Legs Are Split Without Your Permission OR Without You Doing That And Just Fucked, THAT IS The ONLY Rape I Know.
    BTW, Im From Baltic States And Here We Don't Have BS Like That. All Woman Knows What is Rape And How To Deal With That And Anyone Who Have Raped A Woman We Would BEAT The Piss Out Of That POS Anyways And He Would Never Be Happy After That. Its Called Linching.. But That's Okey When U Talk About Rapists And Pedophiles…

  • @nafingargaming5945 June 29, 2024

    Men get raped more than woman tho

  • @hansolav5924 June 29, 2024

    as for colleges experiencing such things; just expel both individuals. let it be known that to accuse anyone of rape will lead both accused and accuser to be exiled from the premises.

  • @hansolav5924 June 29, 2024

    I appreciate the claims that college students are more likely to be raped. in the hope that this will encourage those fucking inebriated fools running the schools to include MANDATORY martial arts education for women. only real response. of course, I speak of PROPER Martial Arts. based on Respect and proper behavior. not whatever nonsense education may be found here west.

  • @azazelgrigori9244 June 29, 2024

    Woman: I've been raped!
    Everyone: We shall avenge your honor!
    Woman: No, I lied.
    Everyone: Oh thank goodness. We were worried half to death.

  • @griz063 June 29, 2024

    There needs to be some kind of accountability for professionals like politicians, teachers, administrators and perhaps even reporters who propagate these canards.
    We may also have to clarify the term "sexually victimized" to include the sexual responsibility of BOTH parties. If women are wanting to reach for true equality (and no reason why they shouldn't) we need to abandon this tired old myth that women are too stupid and emotional to understand just what is going on in a sexual encounter; and too weak to just say no and walk away. Or so foolish that they would rush into a sex encounter with a total stranger before knowing just what kind of person they are becoming intimate with.
    Women have most of the power at the onset of a sexual encounter. If they say no and you proceed it's a crime that will put you in prison for years. And with this very great power comes . . . next to no responsibility??? There are already ample cases where equally-drunk have sex the woman later regrets. The drunk man is found totally responsible and the drunk woman totally blameless.
    This is not equality — Feminism (the equality movement) approves; perhaps even cheers and applauds.

  • @rhondapickettta7988 June 29, 2024

    I was kidnapped masmI have proffabd they made these counyriesbased on my udenty they used me the home time this tone they did it all together and took my identy and mad nee a black man they romance girls thoughout my whole hodyabd has justmade nea kesbian a lesbian I can no longer liceanumore oh God the thought us killing me he just yses mewbd my body I am jolonger safe I can't gone on him and their determination is deadly it's deadly oh God y lp me I'm in her bead tight now masm in get head and body he plans my luf firsthesaid I had said O gadsecwitha hirl in the tbrid grade and he wouldn't stop they are wearing my anseyey ud no ow I'm gonna die

  • @MegaFoobar June 29, 2024

    Rat own, Prof. Arndt.

  • @f3aok June 29, 2024

    Why let facts get in the way of students victimhood status.😱

  • @rowankrencik June 29, 2024

    I was raped in college. I'm male. The police officer who found me laughed and just drove me home. I begged people for help but everyone took it as a joke and left me to wallow in my own severely degrading mental state. I then realized my democratic liberal friends were full of shit, full of themselves, and unwilling to accept any information that contradicted their narrow view of the world. So, I formally left the party, voted for Gary Johnson, and laughed when Hillary lost because of them.

  • @melainewhite6409 June 29, 2024

    Sexually victimized: "Betty Sue, wanna go out?" "Why yes Brad".

    Sexually victimized, sexual assault, abuse, emotional abuse; terms created to allow non-events to be sold as yet more evidence of patriarchy.

  • @gordonfiala2336 June 29, 2024

    USA is a rape culture.

    Gordon Fiala
    Just now ·

    "women submit to sexual relationships hoping to build respect and men Fuck them condescendingly, demeaningly, abusively, selfishly, publicly exploited, sexually exploited (gagged), put in her mouth in her sleep or in her drunkenness, fucked in her sleep Before he decided to leave her (recently or long term).

    Fucked her in confidence, then cheated on her (she did not consent to promiscuous sex*.

    convinced her he was fidel, but was not a virgin*. He lied. She did not consent to sex with a womanizer. She engaged in a fidel relationship, He did not."


    "your video sucked.

    pull your head form your ass.

    statistics favor the court findings. not the Proven cases*.

    courts go on Reasonable Doubt for the Judge, Not based on Occurrences.***"

  • @maximusprime1318 June 29, 2024

    Great quality videos. I think I am going to be a factual feminist.

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