The Real Crime Diary Blog Sex Crimes Sexual harassment complaint in Jordanian Parliament stokes controversy.- Daily Albawaba Headlines
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Sexual harassment complaint in Jordanian Parliament stokes controversy.- Daily Albawaba Headlines

Sexual harassment complaint in Jordanian Parliament stokes controversy.- Daily Albawaba Headlines

1.Syrian government accused of bombing civilians in Damascus

At least ten people were killed this week in Syrian regime strikes on the Damascus suburb of Saqba. This follows a string of similar bombings in the Syrian city of Douma that killed 100 people in a crowded marketplace and sparked international condemnation earlier this month.

2. Sexual harassment complaint in the Jordanian parliament stokes controversy

A sexual harassment complaint filed against a Jordanian parliamentarian is stoking controversy on social media. An article in Jordan’s Al-Ghad newspaper revealed a high-level politician in Jordan had been accused of sexual harassment by an American aid worker. News websites and social media suggested the unnamed politician could be Jordan’s Foreign Affairs Minister NASSER JUDEH. The newspaper removed the article and ran an apology. But an outpour of responses have shown up on social media. Judeh has been spewing his own threats on Twitter — threatening to sue both the newspaper and his online accusers.

3. Daesh introduces new coin-based currency in new hour long video

Daesh militants introduced a coin-based currency in an hour long video released this week. The footage sees fighters showing the new coins to residents in the Iraqi city of Mosul, touting their high gold content as more valuable than the rest of the world’s paper money. This is just the latest in a long string of propaganda tools from the group. But the reality is much more harrowing. Daesh is thought to have stolen some 400 million dollars worth of cash from Mosul’s main bank following their takeover of the city in the summer of 2014.


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