July 7, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

“She’s Lying, She’s Truthful Or Has A Disorder” Baby Reindeer Interview Verdict

Fiona Harvey’s interview with Piers Morgan has created shockwaves across the globe, as the ‘real’ Martha from hit Netflix show Baby Reindeer claims she never stalked show creator Richard Gadd and that glaring falsehoods have been presented as truth, even leading to death threats being made against her.

Piers and his panel; Piers Morgan Uncensored contributor Esther Krakue, lawyers Paula Rhone-Adrien and Mark Geragos, psychologist Dr Drew and Will Jordan, AKA The Critical Drinker dissect the controversial interview, discussing whether Fiona can be trusted and considering the possibility that Netflix has opened itself up to a legal quagmire.

Watch the full Fiona Harvey interview:

00.00 – Piers Morgan’s verdict on his interview with Fiona
05:20 – Paula’s reaction
08:30 – Is Baby Reindeer true?
11:26 – Does Fiona have a legal case?
16:09 – Dr Drew on stalkers
20:12 – Was Fiona ever ‘convicted’?
23:57 – Duty of care
28:45 – Is Richard Gadd a reliable witness?
31:38 – Should Piers have done the interview?

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  • Vote for Piers Morgan as Best Presenter in this year's TRIC Awards!

  • @toddmurphy523 June 16, 2024

    Piers if you have GUEST Speakers, allow them to speak without butting in and cutting them off.

  • @ICHope1 June 16, 2024

    Piers you amaze me.

    In this case you are looking for the absolute truth, but in the case of what is happening in Palestine you flat out refused to accept the facts in front of your face because you so very much want to support the occupation forces.

  • @toddmurphy523 June 16, 2024

    Why does NO ONE let the lady in the far right top speak? As soon as she was in mid-sentence Piers or the woman in the middle kept butting in. That annoyed me.

  • @ICHope1 June 16, 2024

    Multiple personality disorder.

  • @A67255 June 16, 2024

    I listened to Will Jordan then I remembered I had paint to watch drying…

  • @Argelius1 June 16, 2024

    If Netflix had just said, "based on true events", this whole discussion would be moot. Having said that, I don't get the obsession with "is EVERY SINGLE THING TRUE" and if it isn't the world is going to explode. It's a miniseries on Netflix, people….take a deep breathe.

  • @teddycustumz3267 June 16, 2024

    how is this a slam dunk?
    she says she isn't her. she claims the emails never happened. she claims she was never arrested
    Netflix never used her actual name on the show
    so why is she even on the piers Morgan show?
    I am not going to go on Piers Morgan to say '' hey , Tony Stark isn't an actual depiction of me''
    If I know im not Tony I am not going to complain about not being Tony
    another thing that bugs me is the fact that we do not actually know if this woman is the actual person that was doing the stalking. there are a lot of people out there trying to gain clout and fame. people always trying to scam for a quick dollar. she just walked onto a double edged sword. If the writer says '' No that want my stalker'' she may have no choice but to admit that she WAS the stalker making her a complete liar.

  • @rosecroco2787 June 16, 2024

    i will real feel for fiona imagine if you were in her shoes it's not right

  • @Prizzy999 June 16, 2024

    So many words but nobody bothers to provide actual facts with regards to this story.
    Shouldn't be hard to check degrees, criminal records, computers, cell phones…
    But that's not what marketing and TV shows is about, is it?

  • @ievatamutyte618 June 16, 2024

    Why would you all keep on interrupting each other and just yell over one another. Absolutely no culture of discussion. Piers interrups his guests mid-sentence when they're making some really valid points just to repeat something he had already said before. UNBEARABLE.

  • @maxsheerin8219 June 16, 2024

    I think its abominal the way professional therapist say he may have distorted facts. I can relate to this type of abuse and some of the behaviour after. You make it sound like he is on trial and "admitted" his drug and sex abuse. He has simplly talked about it. Piers you make it sound like it was a GUILTY PLEA 😂😂😂 He is overcoming shame. You really picked a shit psychologist who ADMITS 😂 that he didnt assess him. The guy knows himself and is aware of himself. Who says it wasnt netflix that DISTORTED FACTS? I was abused. My mind is not distorted, but my abuser would like to think it was. We are not mad, we are survivors of the lowest form of scumbags.

  • Why does Dr. Drew look like he’s falling asleep? 😆

  • @Slimblue32 June 16, 2024

    I was surprised when she knew peirs age straight up. I don't know how old he is but could on Google but I'm not obsessive hahaha

  • @Jennifer-ul2vz June 16, 2024

    If she has done even some of the crap people say she has..She should be in prison and getting psychological help.Calling the authorities on people who fired her..Threatening their families and stalking people and their families. Its not slander if it's true..and she's done some pretty rotten stuff to not only Mr.Gad.

  • @TheHajdu99 June 16, 2024

    perception is reality

  • @felicitygreen1371 June 16, 2024

    piers???? i usually like you but wtf is this???

  • @dearparisa June 16, 2024

    Come on! Who cares about her having gone to jail or not? We are interested in how perfectly they have depicted Martha. Stop trying to make you own show out of it.

  • @kellyjoyner490 June 16, 2024

    I agree with Piers, surprisingly. I think they are both lying! Both seem to have "issues." What a dark series.

  • @bluceree7312 June 16, 2024

    Fiona is a piece of work. Needs help.
    Gadd is a piece of work. Needs help.
    The only thing that is not a piece of work is the show itself.
    Had they not said "a true story", then it would have been just another show, no one would have watched it.

  • @kimmoore0427 June 16, 2024

    It makes no sense nobody can say DEFINITELY if shes been in prison or not!

  • @BB-vo8bv June 16, 2024

    I've got 41 thousand emails lined-up for Esther Krakue if anyone has her email addtess

  • Is it possible that she applied to have her conviction expunged after serving her time? We have that ability here once has kept their nose clean for an extended time.

  • Piers, stop being obtuse. At the beginning of the series, you see the character typing the story, typing that it is a true story. That is not Netflix saying that the entire show is true. They clearly had a disclaimer at the end of each episode that names have been changed and that events have been dramatized.

  • @dp1275 June 16, 2024

    I think the reason this movie got such an unexpected huge reaction may have to do with the recent international realization and acceptance that men are victims too. It came to light in a big way with the johnny Depp trial. Somehow, it finally hit pp that this is true. It happens often and more perpetrators got away with it bc the alleged victims were simple men. The old belief “ lucky guy” when a young male was molested by an older woman, is finally being shown as the misinterpretation it is. The majority of collective consciousness, finally seems to be internalizing this .
    I think the reason this movie has had such a huge reaction is bc of the timing and bc they actually have both of the real characters more than willing to share. Not to mention, how public media loves to hold it s own trials. ( scary)

  • Fascinating story, but one thing we can all agree on as fact is that Piers Morgan is a complete Bellend.

  • @JinxTravel June 16, 2024

    so easy to see she is a compulsive liar…..she def has seen the show and the way she looked up at the court scene was because she is thinking if the time was correct for that scene.

  • @medorajoe7542 June 16, 2024

    My understanding is in Scotland (Scot’s Law) is that to convict someone for a criminal offence there has to be corroborated evidence, not simply balance of probabilities.

  • @lebosisings June 16, 2024

    Can Piers now get Richard Gadd in for an interview?

  • @Beautyforever799 June 16, 2024

    She’s done it before so she did it

  • @lebosisings June 16, 2024

    When Piers said about the 41,000 emails being easy to find, and he said that Richard had them, Fiona said “what?! He’s still got them?!” I thought gotcha 🙂

  • @susiehelme June 16, 2024

    If she's insisting that 'all this never happened' then why is she complaining that it's about her?

  • @Alan_Edwards June 16, 2024

    Excellent mixture of panelists and an interesting discussion.

  • @spicymayo623 June 16, 2024

    Why does this moron? Keep bringing up the fact that the real Fiona wasn’t convicted or sent to jail. Richard Gadd has repeatedly said that she wasn’t and that was fictionalized part. It’s based on a true story not a full true story. Listening to him do interviews is, excruciating and painful. I cannot stand Pierce Morgan.

  • @tareqsaleh8404 June 16, 2024

    how trivial is this

  • @blakeisme1473 June 16, 2024

    I’m no expert but the lies were so transparent and obvious

  • I think we all miss the point of the show and the massage they are trying to deliver.

  • @iliasiosifidis4532 June 16, 2024

    Drinker o/

  • Donnie the character typed 'this is a true story '. Netflix did not , at that particular moment

  • @FrkKunz June 16, 2024

    Let your guests answer your questions for gods sake!! Leaving this video, because I dont wanna look at the rudeness

  • She doesn't bear a striking resemblance

  • @MrBibi86 June 16, 2024

    I swear Piers doesn't know what "based on a true story means"

  • @MrBibi86 June 16, 2024

    Just because she wasn't convicted of stalking him doesn't mean she didn't stalk him. very few SA cases even go in front of a judge let alone get a conviction

  • @ThaGirlLaLaLa June 16, 2024

    Facts are truth. Truth is not subjective. Intent and motive to deceive, manipulate and confuse fact is in my opinion wickedly evil.

  • @jomassey4207 June 16, 2024

    When Fiona was watching the movie bit about being imprisoned.
    Did anyone notice her counting in her head the dates, as they were speaking out loud?
    Fionas eyes rolled back on both occasions (of the parts of her being found guilty), which was very telling behaviour.
    On the second count of stalking, she actually raised her right hand as if she were counting on her fingers.
    Body language speaks volumes.
    I am totally convinced that Fiona is a sociopathic narcissist, who has very little self control, a superiority complex as has to appear to be very clever than everyone else.
    Piers asked her about her grades and this is where Fiona unravels and exposes her need to appear as someone she isn't.
    I think these questions were asked intentionally to get a reaction.
    And Fiona, in her fully narcissistic self, exposed herself to all.
    I mean, who feels the need to brag about their grades on TV?
    And who has 6 email addresses?
    I havent watched this docu drama and probably wont.
    As narcissists have been the bain of my life and are the most dangerous, evil shadows of humans I've ever met and hope you never meet.

  • @dottietaboot4916 June 16, 2024

    All I hear when Piers interviews is Piers! I would have loved to have heard the responses to his questions!!! Very frustrating as usual 😒

  • @robertwalker3591 June 16, 2024

    6:09~ “Who’s truth?”
    “There’s only one truth.”
    I was having this discussion with my mom the other day about this “my truth bullshit” that black people love to push. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
    Piers is completely right, there is only one truth based off of evidential facts.

  • @user-wt3bk9nl5x June 16, 2024

    Netflix is all about PROFIT. If they lied so profusely about the McCanns so they can about anyone else.

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