July 4, 2024
Hate Crimes

‘Terrorism and hate crimes’ School boards say death threats unruly

Angry mobs. Police tape. Obscenities hurled at elected officials. Smashed windows. Physical confrontations, assaults and arrests. The unruly and violent conduct at many school board meetings, plus death threats directed toward elected members, has risen to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes, the national group representing school boards said Thursday in a letter to President Joe Biden’s administration. The National School Boards Association requested an investigation by the U. S. Departments of Justice, Education and Homeland Security and assistance from the FBI to maintain safety for school board members, as well as district staff and students.”We urge the federal government’s intervention against individuals or hate groups who are targeting our schools and educators,” the letter said. School board meetings in many communities have become the epicenter of increasingly uncivil arguments and sometimes violent altercations over everything from COVID-19 protocols to how classrooms address race, equity, social justice and sexual equality. Those latter issues are often lumped under the teaching of “critical race theory” – recently, a term used to fuel a firestorm of conservative action against inclusion efforts and classroom content in public schools. School teachers have not historically taught the law school framework, which probes how racial discrimination permeates institutions and society to perpetuate inequities. Public schools do, however, tend to embrace equity and diversity of race and opinion. They’ve moved in that direction for years because students tend to learn more readily when they feel accepted and safe in class, and when their experiences are reflected in discussions and activities, research shows. Those fighting against critical race theory are wrongly conflating those issues, said National School Boards Association Interim CEO Chip Slaven. The association represents more than 90,000 school board members who govern the country’s approximate 14,000 school districts. Along with attacks related to requiring masks against COVID-19, “Many public school officials are also facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula,” the letter signed by Garcia and Slaven said.”As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”In an interview Thursday, Slaven said the letter may not immediately cause federal agencies to swoop in, but he hopes it raises awareness among parents. He believes a silent majority is being drowned out by a vocal and uncivil minority responsible for the unrest and threats.

All data is taken from the source:
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  • @BAsed_AFro July 1, 2024

    Everyone knows that children are much more likely to die of a direct lightening strike than "of covid", yet big gov is mandating risky/dangerous experimental gene editing drugs for them anyways.

    They're doing this intentionally, trying their hardest to incite massive civil unrest (civil war). They tried all last summer w the BLM and antifa riots, then the fake election, then Jan 6… none of that worked, so now they are going after people's heart of hearts and that's their innocent children.

  • @relativity1581 July 1, 2024

    Violence inflicted on liberals is cool

  • "Local school board meetings are becoming cultural flashpoints.

    Parents rallied against radical leftist tyrants imposing Marxist Critical Race
    Theory and oppressive mask mandates on their children’s schools.

    These bureaucratic dictators are used to running amok without fear of being
    challenged, but the pandemic caused parents to focus-in on what was
    happening in their children’s schools.

    And the bureaucrat class is furious parents dare question them.

    Viola M. Garcia and Chip Slaven – the President and Interim Executive
    Director – of the National School Board Association fired off a letter
    to Joe Biden demanding Biden dispatch the FBI to surveil, harass and
    arrest Americans who show up at school board meetings demanding an end
    to tyrannical mask mandates and their children’s classroom being used as
    left-wing indoctrination factories.

    “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat. The National School Boards Association (NSBA) respectfully asks for federal law
    enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of
    threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the
    nation. Local school board members want to hear from their communities
    on important issues and that must be at the forefront of good school
    board governance and promotion of free speech. However, there also must
    be safeguards in place to protect public schools and dedicated education
    leaders as they do their jobs,” Garcia and Slaven wrote.

    Ever since January 6, Democrats sought to portray Trump supporters as violent
    insurrectionists and white supremacist, domestic terrorists.

    A national school board association demanding the FBI monitor Americans who protest classroom issues associated with the American right is feeding Joe Biden’s narrative that the government must spy on Trump supporters, restrict their civil liberties and eventually arrest them."
    —Renewed Right 2 Oct 2021

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