July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The Bentley Tragedy: How One Man's Execution Changed the Law | Murder Casebook | Real Crime

It was actually his accomplice who had shot the PC during a burglary in Wandsworth in 1952, but Derek Bentley hanged for murder. His execution would help to change the law.

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From “Murder Casebook”

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  • @waynecarrol3415 June 17, 2024

    Murder by state ?17 years later Australia Ronald Ryan same ( he was innocent) & the only one who showed any dignity that hot February Day 1967 (8 years later the death penalty was removed)

  • @JohnJames-be4qe June 17, 2024


  • @Chipoo88 June 17, 2024

    My heart breaks for the family

  • @kuldipdhiman June 17, 2024

    The series is excellent but I don't understand why enactments have been shot out of focus. It is irritating.

  • @Chihayamoon June 17, 2024

    If he was a womam he would have get life in prison

  • @sphinxrising1129 June 17, 2024

    Had he not been out robbing, no one would have died & he would still be alive. Go feel sorry for the officer that was killed.

  • @sphinxrising1129 June 17, 2024

    Does not matter who pulled the trigger, as if you was with them, you are just as guilty in the eyes of the law.

  • @privateperson5769 June 17, 2024

    despicable. how did that judge sleep at night.

  • Sounds like he was given one excuse after another for his malignant behavior. Parental failure also contributed. And the family idolizes him? Dysfunction of mythic proportions.

  • @murraycatto1 June 17, 2024

    Leaves me with serious reservations about the Justice juggernaut. The people entrusted with the criminal justice industry with their superior knowledge and training should be ashamed of yourselves. How many layers of reviews and meetings are there for every one to get it horribly wrong. Should be relegated to the Ministry for Clipboards , chocolate biscuits, belly button lint and bright ideas well away from anything to do with sentencing a man to death based on zero evidence.

  • @deedee6460 June 17, 2024

    Sad story

  • @louisliu5638 June 17, 2024

    There's a very strong argument for ALL in the party that do a large crime, that if you are an accessory you get the same treatment. YOU joined, YOU volunteered to do bad things to honest people. And you ARE judged by the company you keep. Sorry, not much sympathy here. HE CHOSE.

  • @biaedwards4025 June 17, 2024

    Thank you…I do have to say the host is great but the forensic "psychologist" is overly dramatic and says nothing that is not obvious.

  • @vivianfoster702 June 17, 2024

    If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. The punishment didn't fit the crime. He was mentally challenged, but do you see other mentally challenged people commit bulgaries all the time? An 8 year old understands it's wrong to steal. Was he really "innocent" and bad luck, wrong place, wrong time. Definitely not.

  • @vivianfoster702 June 17, 2024

    So over and over, they stress that he was mentally challenge and and had mental age of 8. But over and over again, he commits robberies and burglaries and goes on a crime spree. The two do not reconcile.

  • @NickPenlee June 17, 2024

    It's all quite simple really!
    A police officer was killed and the 'system' bayed for blood. Bentley was the propitiatory sacrifice because Craig was deemed too young for execution under British law. The wrong person went to the gallows.

  • @Baskerville22 June 17, 2024

    He urged the other thief to shoot the Police Officer…..and deserved death

  • @drewainge1059 June 17, 2024

    The verdict is NOT unjust but the law then were unjust. England then has a law of joint enterprise. Whatever is the outcome of a crime you did with another as "joint enterprise" you will be equally as guilty for whatever bad things that resulted from it. Their initial crime is burglary resulting to murder…example, if an established law is death penalty for crossing the street and you still crossed it, the judge verdict of handing you a death penalty is just because it is the law. So it's really about the law and not the verdict. So unless bentley's defence is proving he is not a participant of the burglary, he will be sentenced to death because a policeman got killed. So it's the law in place that killed bentley and not the judge or jury.

  • @ayalejakka9288 June 17, 2024

    It's lugubrious that such a handsome man was taken from this world even though he's so innocent as innocent can be in human understanding. My heart goes out to his wife/mom/family.
    I want to blame the police and hold them accountable but these people keep vigils while we slept when they also should have been in their beds with their husbands/wives/family and to have a civilian take them out for any reason is lawlessness. I think that's why the police shoot on slightest impulse of a sense of danger/threat to them

  • @ayalejakka9288 June 17, 2024

    With all due respect to grieving families, I think when a uniformed man/woman is murdered is taking as an attack on the LAW of the land given law enforcement agents are supposed to be human "protectors" of life and property.

  • @md9971 June 17, 2024

    25:25 "State representation didn't want to anger the judge" 🥴

  • @meredithisme3752 June 17, 2024

    How's that working for you all those evil people living on the taxpayer

  • @monis9198 June 17, 2024

    it comes with the territory. Don’t be a criminal , period.
    His fault

  • @trelard June 17, 2024

    You know that globalist takeover that's currently visibly underway? It started a LONG time ago. This was a step on the way to inducing the mass psychosis of Liberalism onto the population. Removing the death penalty globally is a way to weaken nations. Make no mistake, Bentley was murdered by a government walking side step with monied Elites. They got their way by removing the penalty, now we have to pay to make sure scum who don't deserve to breathe to be healthy for the rest of their interred lives.

  • @aishalea7508 June 17, 2024

    what a terribly sad story….

  • @jamesumoh23 June 17, 2024

    Class system

  • @jenniferbailey5914 June 17, 2024

    I don’t believe in the death penalty except for crimes against children.

  • @Davids-cc9sn June 17, 2024

    Being an accomplice makes you just as guilty…

  • @destroyyoutube9187 June 17, 2024

    You Brits are hilarious… This isn't some big story, lol… This happens in America literally hundreds of times a day… Everyone knows the justice system in general is a freaking joke!!! It's designed to target poor and uneducated people.. If you have enough money you will never get in trouble, if your poor or uneducated your fu*ked….

  • @J0E-THEDOH June 17, 2024

    RIP, Derek good man.
    You are with The Almighty now🙏

  • Sorry, the pigs sign up for the job. They know the territory.

  • Hope and a quarter may get one a square of TP to wipe their ass.

  • How do we know when a pig is lying? Their lips are moving.

  • @sorina9130 June 17, 2024

    Audio needs work

  • @nmstranger June 17, 2024

    from someone that lives in the states in my country you don't have to be the one that did the murder to be charged with murder. You just have to be involved in the crime. If someone dies in the commission of the crime and that is even if the cops kill someone all people involved in the crime can and usually does get charged with murder

  • @millig8980 June 17, 2024

    I always found it very fascinating how the law reacts when one of their own is murdered compare to a nobody from the public is murdered. Yes I know hypocrisy and discrimination is a standard procedure in human society. Perhaps that is why both me and my dog growl at humans 🤣.

  • @jeremybennett2168 June 17, 2024

    next week

  • @coreybrown2063 June 17, 2024

    in the US you and someone can be committing a crime and if that person is killed by law enforcement or the victim of the crime you can be charged with manslaughter/homicide is it also the same in the UK? because as far as you being held accountable if your buddy shoots someone during a crime and you both can be charged is the same.

  • @timrutter5025 June 17, 2024

    Well as history proves a police officers life is more important than any "lesser mortals".

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