July 5, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad | Informer

Voluntourism is when primarily western, privileged do-gooders pay for the experience of doing charity work abroad. But according to this ex-voluntourist, the orphanage she thought she was building was actually disassembled and remade throughout the night.

Not only that but children were dirtied up to make them look poorer to add to the voluntourists’ experience. Children were made to sing and dance for them – and worse.

We give an inside glimpse into this sham world, where people pay for the experience of charity without actually helping locals – and often even making their lives worse.

00:00 Intro
02:05 “I was entirely unqualified”
03:21 What happens to donations?
04:28 Her advice could put her in great physical danger
06:00 Child abuse

Watch more from this series:

Working at a $1000/Day Corrupt Rehab

The Horrors I Saw at Korean Private Schools

Drugs, Sex and Gangs Inside Rikers Island Prison

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  • @VICE June 26, 2024

    ¿Quieres ver el video en español? Haz clic en el botón de configuración para cambiar la pista de audio.

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  • @Thecak3isalie June 26, 2024

    Where is the full video ? It's not on the youtube channel. I just checked.

  • @MarcusDrexel June 26, 2024

    orphanage in Africa scams US tourist/do gooders. Now there's a shock.

  • @runningwater7873 June 26, 2024

    One has to be totally naive to join an organization like this. People choose not to think things thru and psychologically the people are off.

  • @Lilgus84 June 26, 2024

    Yeah no shot you can’t build. Bunch of yuppie kids who wanna pose as carpenters. They can’t even read a tape measure 📏 or layout a perfect square.

  • @Rhythm911 June 26, 2024

    The Dark Side seems to be more with the people running the systems than the kids who pay to be part of it !!! How about correcting the G*D** title !!!!!

  • @MustardNuttz June 26, 2024

    IE: busting cheeks

  • @lizconn1958 June 26, 2024

    Help the people in the United States. The poor, the Vets, the homeless, the elderly. Help your own country first.

  • @davidfsa7388 June 26, 2024

    Que patetico XD

  • @facecy1427 June 26, 2024

    Thank you for your honesty. Truly appreciated

  • SO TRUE🥵😡🥵😡🥵😡🥵😡

  • @lizzy_gum6481 June 26, 2024

    Las organizaciones mas grandes son las que mas corrupción tiene.

    En Perú salio una noticia que el local de la ONG que estaba encargada una señora lo alquilaba para que hagan fiestas y era el año de COVID

    Tambien lo que es religioso generan mucho dinero por los creyentes y devotos , un pastor tenia una casa grande con camioneta.

    Lo mas cercano que conozco es de un vecino que la señora viajo a Alemania y trajo valuntariados , si bien la señora vivia en dos casas con mucha familia se podria decir que vivian moderamente bien pero cuando estaban esos voluntariados los niños se colocaban ropa desgastada y rota y les tomaban fotos , poco tiempo despues compraron otra casa y los hicieron edificios y ellos empezaron a comprar muchas cosas y autos , ahora la tercera casa que compraron hicieron una escuela privada.

  • @magis213 June 26, 2024

    i think I know why she wears a mask (;

  • @Gigi-000 June 26, 2024

    God will revenge 🔥

  • @conquistador497 June 26, 2024

    This confirms all the conspiracy theories ive heard and developed on and around this topic especially when you start looking at data and statistics side by side rather than news and media coverage and now im nore worried bc she literally confirmed a thought and worry of mine

  • @noideachannel9530 June 26, 2024

    People are selfish and nasty.

  • @souleansoul June 26, 2024

    This is sad

  • @lisacotton322 June 26, 2024

    That’s also happening here when people give and they’re thinking that the people that need it are getting it are not getting it. Salvation Army comes to mind. Goodwill comes to mind people do your research!!!!!!!!

  • @horacejohnson1730 June 26, 2024

    Is this really a surprise or news? Humans are "phukin" greedy… Humans live in their own little bubble they call their world and if you're not in it, they say "phuk" you! No one really gives a "chit"…everybody is just trying to get rich quick so they can live a lavished bubbled life, screwing everyone and everything outside their bubble. In order for someone to be filthy rich, someone else has to be dirt "phukin" poor. Why do you think some kids go to college and some don't? I'm sure you can start naming reasons but those reasons are just a cover. The real underlying reason is simple… Mankind is governed based on slavery still. Instead of whips, chains and forced labor, extremely low pay is used. Poor people are worked hard and given just enough to keep them alive, so they can come back to work tomorrow because they can't afford to miss any days of work. Well, someone has to replace those poor people when they die out, right? You can't do that if every "d'ham" body is going to college to get a high paying job…right… Thus the unspoken weed-out system is in place.

    That's the closest thing you're going to get to slavery still and it has the same effect as forced slavery because you have those working for little or nothing, while the slave drivers are making millions or billions. There's a much better way mankind could have governed themselves, but never looked any further than slavery so basically, Abraham freed one kind of slavery, only to have it replaced by a different form of slavery.

    The only true God known to Mankind is the God called, Greed because from Greed, everything else evil stems out and evil is the Antichrist.

  • @gravityiskey June 26, 2024

    the smarter and richer a country is, sex trade is tabooed and oppressed,. the poorer a country is, the less care for sex business. so volunteers being sexually oppressed in their country by laws that prohibit or punish having contact with 18yrld or younger start secretly carrying out hidden and perverse sex acts when left alone with this vulnerable children. also bring many incurable diseases to top it off.

  • @esamoro1604 June 26, 2024

    Horrible beyond

  • @cym4052 June 26, 2024

    5:30 That statement is true, my friend started working at an orphanage last year, and that's exactly what she told me.

  • @rimnimukherjee6400 June 26, 2024

    this is so stupid and sad…like first of all this happens because companies and universities require this bullshit thing called some social work or NGO work to show empathy while they know for certain a 100 percent of the urban or privileged people would simply forget about the dark side of society because let's admit it it's hard surviving even with privilege as it is and most young people don't want to 'actually' struggle but just get more privileged or get the best opportunities and nothing else. This happens due to the rampant hypocrisy we teach them.

  • @vashok June 26, 2024

    I get hate when i say this: Volunteering is the capitalist system's way to pretend it's nice while keeping them poor.

    They'll NEVER change the policies that lead to poverty because that's what makes them rich. If you're poor, revolution is your ONLY way out.

  • @psycleen June 26, 2024

    orphan morphin

  • @DrSoWhat June 26, 2024

    so sad none of this is an actual surprise…

  • @icarus-wings June 26, 2024

    The editing for this video is atrocious.

  • @sophieroy2195 June 26, 2024

    Keep spreading the word lady 👏👏👏

  • @helenagoldon9056 June 26, 2024

    This sounds like Art in Tanzania, but that is not the case for all the volunteer experiences.

  • @toddcont6469 June 26, 2024

    Rich kids are so fucking stupid 😅

  • @Daniel.Swartele June 26, 2024

    I see that this video implies orphanages aren’t a good solution – while not providing a better one – based on one anonymous testimony of one single orphanage.

    Where are they trying to get at?

    This isn’t pure sensationalism. They aim to hurt the image of an initiative that, despite not being perfect, strives to help orphans.


  • Muahahahahah

  • @AaronStarkLinux June 26, 2024

    This is why I know exactly who are those missionaries… They come from the freemasons, mormons, evangelists…etc Wealthy families taking advantage of vulnerable people for their own benefit.

  • @timmyfung01 June 26, 2024

    couple years ago there was an incident in Hong Kong when a woman who continuously donated money for over a decade to raise an "orphan" kid in a poor country, the "charity" organization would send her photos of the kid growing up. One day out of curiosity she used facebook to search for the kid. She found out that the kid is actually all grown now driving a fancy car living in bigger house than her.
    The story didn't even end there, she then send a mail to the kid asking why he had a lavish life style, by then the "charity" organization said the kid is all grown up now and ask her to keep donating so they can raise another child. The organization then sent her a kid photo for charity, but the funny thing was that they were so dumb they sent another photo of the original kid that she donated for years ago, they were trying to scam her again but they forgot to change photo for the kid.
    this "charity" gig is a billion dollar industry preying on people's sympathy. While I do believe there are real charities out there that do try to help poor people, but unfortunately too many of them are scam.

  • @lazynow1 June 26, 2024

    Ahhhhhh….Democrats and Liberals destroying the world one child at a time…..

  • @zacnewford June 26, 2024


  • @mridulbisht9865 June 26, 2024

    Our work was so bad? i guess I know what your group was called fam.

  • @danicoleb5394 June 26, 2024

    The part about the volunteer imposing her own cultural values and morals onto the girl is way too fucking common, even here in the US. They do this in the schools too without accounting for their home situation and drive a wedge between the child and their parents. You're a volunteer or a teacher, it is not your place to be a personal therapist for these kids and impose your own values and morals onto them. And we're seeing this increase a lot with a certain group yet calling out how dangerous this is gets you mislabeled as a phobe of some sort.

  • @holysalem June 26, 2024

    oh, i am hating rich people so very much.

  • @68404 June 26, 2024

    Are they still building that library in Tanzania? It's been decades.
    Such a scam.

  • @arielhayes3018 June 26, 2024


  • @NCHLTII June 26, 2024

    Mr Beast!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Jawsofhana June 26, 2024

    This is just being stupid. If you are volunteering, you don't pay for it. That's not how volunteering works. It's in the name, isn't it? You don't get paid either. I do volunteerwork every day. Any serious organization will pay for your ticket, and stay, but not charge you for "the privilege". You are allowed to vet the place before you go.

  • @lynettedillard8663 June 26, 2024

    Black people been knew this for years that yall was getting milked, common sense will tell you that those people have not been improvised since the 80’s if so something is terribly wrong with the help they got and still continue to get😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @billyid June 26, 2024

    this video is late to be posted years ago i too was in an orphanage i was abused. also i suggest dont give clothes or toys to them give food and things that can be used instantly by them. there was a family who used to bring us cheeseburgers every 6 month and i always loved them but never got the choice to be adopted by them. i once approached them to ask to adopt me but the caretaker saw i was going towards them and beat me so bad that i would never try to get to them. i now am going to college soon and am in a bad state of life but ill make it thru real good!

  • @femmeone8831 June 26, 2024

    Terrible. Ignorant pepole!

  • @user-rq3cm4bu8y June 26, 2024

    Money laundering for real human trafficking and pedophiles and pedophilia along with drug money insurance scams etc 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @user-rq3cm4bu8y June 26, 2024


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