July 5, 2024
Sex Crimes

The Horrors I Saw at Korean Private Schools | Informer

An English teacher reveals the horrors of working at a notorious Hagwon school in South Korea, where staff and students are overworked to the point of breaking.

The conditions are so bad that many teachers choose to “midnight run” – disappear in the night with no warning. After dealing with sexual harassment, constant CCTV monitoring, and verbal abuse, she decided to share her ordeal with the world.

Watch more from this series:

The Secret Hotel Sex Parties of the Mega-Rich

What the Gambling Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

I Was Sold At A Slave Market

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#Vice #Informer #Korea



  • @ESan-lh6dq June 28, 2024

    U can have left at any moment. Thats on you. With that said I hope your ok.

  • If kids and teenagers are committing suicide because of the stress from their schools, it a failed system. If this is what your culture considers 'normal', its time to admit you are the offspring of soulless bug people who hate other humans and maybe it's time to rethink your priorities in life.

  • So much for their Honorifics and the bowing. Just a bunch of cr@p.

  • @mashi6957 June 28, 2024

    another woke american crying about "sexual assault"
    just get out of our country if you can't handle it

  • @methnakonyak1341 June 28, 2024

    The county where boys want to look like girls and girls like a Barbie doll. Messed up world in deed

  • @Royed June 28, 2024

    Just realized why they use this incredibly idiotic mask when they could just you know….not show their face on camera. It's because this is "VICE". Yes, I can't believe I didn't figure that out earlier. Anyways, Vice just LOOOOOOVVVEEEEES doing this over the top edge lord type bs. I'm so happy this channel FAAAAAIIIILLLLED and the entire business collapsed epically only to be bought out and still collapsing.

  • @NandoDisco June 28, 2024

    What's the point of doing this though? What's the end goal?

  • This sounds like heaven to me 😊

  • @marileedent8499 June 28, 2024


  • @NourKLI June 28, 2024

    Korea is a very closed off country. I’m glad more is coming out and people will be aware. It’s very sad.

  • @lamanone774 June 28, 2024

    real korean is dirty.not like in their drama and variety show.they bullied others who weak just like israel do to palestine

  • @lilredbanned268 June 28, 2024

    this is absolute bullshit. You are not watched 24/7. There is no reason to put on a mask if the person is in their home country as libel laws are not international and if it was that horrible, they would have no desire to go back. This is click bait crap from a dying rag.

  • @TempleofBrendaSong June 28, 2024

    The teachers are North Korean operatives

  • @janen1120 June 28, 2024

    The long I listen the more I think Korean has twisted mentality…

  • @Dinazingo June 28, 2024

    my korean friend is in hagwon school rn 🙁 and her school always ends at 10 pm, i feel so so bad for her 🙁 i hope she understands soon and leaves it its so tiring she doesnt deserve it 🙁

  • @aaat4873 June 28, 2024

    I keep repeating myself: South Korea = Rape country; It's one thing to visit and buy a few boxes of ramen and another to believe that you are going to live and work there as if you are part of their cringy kdrama!

  • @nichanson June 28, 2024

    Teaching in Japan, I felt Japanese kids were overworked by having 1 or 2 activities each day and 1 day of rest. Those activities are usually an hour or so long. This is crazy, any kid would flip out and become bitchy in that type of situation. Overworked and studied leads to a break in people's mental capacity.

  • @WaterFallgtag June 28, 2024


  • @hellohi1925 June 28, 2024

    Point is, don’t. Go. To. South Korea

  • @yuriykalustyan3756 June 28, 2024

    Welcome to the world outside of America. We’re fuckin coddled over here. Wait till yall hear bout how schools in Russia are 😂

  • @maymay-ci1oi June 28, 2024

    Japan is way better

  • @CaseyMayer June 28, 2024

    I currently work at one. One of my fifth graders gets less than five hours of sleep every night… Definitely not particularly proud to say where I work. Its one of the reasons people speculate Korea is a dying country cuz noone wants to have kids at the kid suicide capital of the world.

  • @GustavoSilva-ny8jc June 28, 2024

    Theres only 1 korea confirmed

  • @alansymonds8896 June 28, 2024

    Unfortunately, this is what I suffered the first year after moving to the US at the hands of 5 asian bosses at this one company. They were all from different Asian countries, but it seemed like they were all colluded to make our lives very miserable.

  • @s.s2510. June 28, 2024

    That country had to use fake polished faces and cringe music to get you to like them so it's easier for us to look past their narcissism .

  • @invisibleplanets June 28, 2024

    Yeah korea is one of the most xenophobic, racist, and one of the most disrespectful places for women's rights. It's not a fantastic place at all. Beautiful, but on the surface.

  • @Userchilled June 28, 2024

    Last night i watched han gong ju ….bro as much as i love korea…i must admit that society is somehow unwell

  • @nikparv7 June 28, 2024

    Korea just looks so dazzling from the outside. Specifically with the popularity of k dramas and k pop and k beauty.. it all looks so perfect and flawless. Im not much into k pop but i do watch k dramas occasionally. Now that I'm learning more about korea and its people i am realising that the more something looks flawless the more flawed it probably is. As they say, if its too good to be true then it probably is.

    As an Indian, i feel like India is the opposite lol. The music and film industry is popular but not so obsessed with perfection. The people here are friendly.. in most cases. Like everything, yes there are some problems, there are people who are bad. But most of the time we are very accepting and treat foreigners with respect and welcome them.
    As for the schooling system, its good. Im from a small town so might be biased but afaik bullying has never been a problem for me or any peers that i know of. A little bit of teasing and pestering here and there but not to any serious extent. But yeah.. there is serious competition in case of studies.. so there's that. Luckily for me, my parents have always been supportive and helped me. It might not be the case for everyone.
    All in all, the society good and not as toxic as Korea, apparently.

  • @happyheartslee June 28, 2024

    i am going through the series i am going to get a nightmare TTTTTT

  • @Jimdaewong16 June 28, 2024

    Midnight run is for people who don't want o complete or respect a contract also.

  • @Oneinamillion8 June 28, 2024

    My husband wants to raise our daughter in Korea and for her to go to a Korean school instead of in Australia, can anyone tell me their insight ? I only want the best for my daughter and not speaking Korean makes it difficult

  • @usmh June 28, 2024

    As bad as the situation sounds, she sounds really weak. "Couldn't do anything?" You could quit. In the end, that was what fixed your situation — leaving the job. You could have taken that initiative yourself. You could have spoken up. What were you afraid of? That they're a bunch of murderers who were gonna kill you, just because they've groped you and been verbally mean to you?

    If anyone reading this is in a bad situation or gets in one: life is not something that just happens to you. You have control. Take charge.

  • @slee7 June 28, 2024

    Corporate doesn’t care except profit. Maybe too much K stuff.

  • i think, all south korean, japanese chinese school happens this sht, and more other asian countries

  • @zakirazak5812 June 28, 2024

    I thought Korea is a civilised country

  • @wl4nq June 28, 2024

    That's crazy..it's my first time hearing something like that..

  • @bk-qq5nj June 28, 2024

    Korean economy is based on slavery.
    By working harder than other countries, Korean companies have an edge over their competitors.
    That's why Korea got rich.
    If you own a slave and others don't, you can make money and kill your competitors in price battle.
    You can buy cutting edge equipments and techs from other countries and keep making money.
    And that's the Korean economy.

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