July 6, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

The Jury Speaks: O.J. Simpson – Sneak Peek (Season 1, Episode 1) | Oxygen

After deciding the verdict for the most controversial trial in history, members of the jury from O.J. Simpson’s trial come together and discuss their experience. Watch The Jury Speaks, only on Oxygen!
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This true crime series reexamines some of the most high-profile and controversial cases in history through the eyes of the people who served on the original jury. Each night will delve into a new case including Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, George Zimmerman and Robert Durst, as jurors uncover what really happened inside the courtroom. From surviving the longest jury sequestration in U.S. history to deciding the fate of the King of Pop, each juror will reveal what led them to their decision, if their vote would change today and how the aftermath of their verdicts subjected them to public ridicule, harassment and scorn.

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Oxygen Media is a multiplatform crime destination brand for women. Having announced the full-time shift to crime programming in 2017, Oxygen has become the fastest growing cable entertainment network with popular unscripted original programming that includes the flagship “Snapped” franchise, “The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway,” “The Jury Speaks,” “Cold Justice,” “Three Days to Live,” and “It Takes A Killer.” Available in more than 77 million homes, Oxygen is a program service of NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment, a division of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience. Watch Oxygen anywhere: On Demand, online or across mobile and connected TVs.

The Jury Speaks: O.J. Simpson – Sneak Peek (Season 1, Episode 1) | Oxygen



  • @mherre8 June 17, 2024

    For me i believe he was guilty, he had a history of violence against Nicole, he failed the polygraph test, there was DNA and he went on a high speed chase. I admit the cop, fuhrman was a racist who was caught in a lie, but they never found evidence he planted anything. "Glove don't fit"? They fit well enough to kill someone with. With Cochran playing the race card and the way people felt about cops then and even now, seems like the jury let him go to say "F you" to the cops

  • @vistalite June 17, 2024

    These were primarily stupid people on the jury. They had no business deciding any case. They were easily manipulated and the defense team knew it. Listening to them now proves that their motive was to be heroes to the black community and to a murderer who wouldn’t be caught within 500 feet of these people outside of this courtroom.

  • @Sinatra021 June 17, 2024

    Who needs 12 anger men.
    12 stupid men

  • @leaheames8995 June 17, 2024

    The jurors will be standing by their man when they all go to hell to meet him.

  • @46foryounger June 17, 2024

    People forget that is the LAPD wasn’t so damn corrupt and racist there Wii don’t have been any reason for OJ to go free. All the jurors needed was a reasonable doubt.

  • @46foryounger June 17, 2024

    That one juror was like we could have let a guilty man go free or how ever she put it but in another interview says she still believes he is innocent so which is it??

  • There are many reasons why Oj was a quitted. We really need to leave the Jury alone.

    It was a huge mistake to arrest Oj when they did, the prosecutors put on a sloppy case and felt entitled to say he is guilty because of reasons.
    They televised the trial and the Jury were treated like prisoners. They were almost out of juriers one one of them had a heart attack. That is why the trail ended. At the end of the episode they came up with the same verdict. for all the people vilifing them this trial is what is wrong with our justice system.
    Tunnel vision with cops mishandling evidence and making an arrest too soon. Overzealous prosecutors who felt entitled to the verdict they wanted. A star struct judge who allowed this trial to be turned into a reality show. A defendent who is guilty able to buy his vertict. Americans trying to do their civic duty only to sh*ted on in the end

    As jury you had to go over what they believe they did with extraordinary circumstances. In the end he was found not guilty but they never said he was innocent and we need to stop blaming them because they did the best they could.

  • @lisajeter9511 June 17, 2024

    These jurors did the job they were set to do! It was up to them not any other Monday Morning Quarterbacks(no pun intended)

  • @user-qp9so2zo1z June 17, 2024

    Why were they all allowed to be black

  • @michaelschaefer1904 June 17, 2024

    The court sessions lasted 265 days, a US record. Reasonable doubt is relatively easy. Our jury system is still a joke.

  • @teddyjam8134 June 17, 2024

    Look at the racism and hypocrisy in the comment section. Just really can't help themselves. A white person said to me once, why are people trying to change us? White people are racist. It's who we are. I've been told by others it's taught and not inherent, but I know one thing it's there generation after generation.

  • @richardmaratea448 June 17, 2024

    The jury consisted of 8 blacks, 2 Hispanics, 1 half-Caucasian, half Native American, and 1 Caucasian female. The 8 blacks would certainly have never let OJ go to jail, even if a video of the killing was presented to them in court. Whether or not OJ killed Nicole and Ron was not their concern. Sending OJ to jail would have been like putting him back in chains by a justice system that they felt was created by a people that unjustly enslaved his people for centuries. When you look at it from their point of view, I can understand why OJ was acquitted. The white Caucasian female surprised me, however. I guess she was just worn down. It would have ended in a hung jury away. They weren't despicable people. They felt that they had to fight a system in which the cards were stacked against them. There were other reasons to, but this was the main one. Once I became aware of what the Jury was comprised of, I was not surprised by the verdict.

  • @skylaryoung3819 June 17, 2024

    Something tells me they all voted for Biden….

  • @skylaryoung3819 June 17, 2024

    What a moronic bunch. Couldn’t imagine living with myself after I found out that I was manipulated the entire time… but then again, you have to be a special kind of stupid to fall for the crap that the defense team put out😂😂

  • @kimward5746 June 17, 2024

    sequestration- a huge waste of resources and a bigger mistake in logic. you trust in jurors to stand by an oath, and that's the best we can do.

  • @eleegs June 17, 2024

    LA PD racist past has infected the jury.

  • If he had been unknown and poor,he would be in prison today.

    It is s cryin shame how money and status puts you above the law..at least the majority of the time 😩

  • @Jsimms1324 June 17, 2024

    Round table of idiots

  • @user-uc7lr6hm7p June 17, 2024

    all dumb people he was and is Guilty

  • @User-ue2li June 17, 2024

    If it doesn’t fit you must acquit!

  • @andygause8053 June 17, 2024

    Two people brutally murdered and these assholes deliberated for two hours. Disgusting.

  • @nancikuba42 June 17, 2024

    Christopher Darden gets all my respect. For him to stand up for justice & face a lot of hate for it shows a lot of character.

  • @nancikuba42 June 17, 2024

    One woman said there was one table of all black jurors and one table of all white jurors. I believe there were 2 white jurors. Judge Ito knowingly chose a predominately black jury & even if there was a video showing him murder them, they would say not guilty. Back in ‘95, the jurors proudly said not guilty. Today, I’m sure these jurors now have to explain themselves. Back then it was all about black injustice & that made their minds up. The jurors who felt he was guilty probably felt threatened by the majority of the jurors.

  • @jjwhy321y3 June 17, 2024

    So the cops broke in killed them both. Then stole their blood. Spread it all over the place without any fingerprints. Then broke into OJ''s car, put the blood there. Oh then someone put the blood on OJ without him noticing. These jurors should be in prison. They're insanely untrustworthy & incompetent. The one said he'd never convict OJ of anything and gave him black panther salute after verdict.

  • @Teller580 June 17, 2024

    The most important thing here is not if OJ murdered 2 people. No, the most important thing is what color OJ was as evidenced by one of 8 Black jurors giving him the Black power fist in the air as the verdict was read. And you thought ppl meant it when they said judge by content of character not by color. Silly to believe that. The jury obviously didn't.

  • @jennysavoy2948 June 17, 2024

    Pure racism.

  • @eriwilnel June 17, 2024

    Worst jury in the history of the U.S. criminal Justice System. Go tell it to the victims family! You 12 go not guilty! Then another 12 go guilty! Thats a huge spin in the other direction! Fortunately the civic jury did not have another agenda foresaking the victims and their families. Should be absolutely ashamed. This mans guilt was so proven that he is now an isolate nobody dare be seen with. at least nobody of moral character. Sleep well!

  • @armadilloross June 17, 2024

    None of it will matter as time goes on, everyone will suffer that will not accept truth. OJ wasn’t the guy we all wanted him to be. He was a violent, jealous man who knew he was above the law because he could afford the best attorneys available.

  • @LiliumCobra June 17, 2024

    I believe he did it, but I can understand why they may have had a reasonable doubt given what they were given in this murder trial. The prosecutors should have made a better case. They were sloppy, and as a result, a guilty man went free. He pretty much confesses in his interviews years later. Watch The Behavior Panel's breakdown of his "hypothetical" re-enactment 10 years after the incident. It angers me, and I believe that double jeopardy should not apply when a person confesses after being found innocent. They should be able to give Nicole and Goldman justice.

  • @junkboxxxxxx June 17, 2024

    Sounds like a bunch of a holes

  • @MalcolmACampbell June 17, 2024

    Jury did a great job !


  • @keithnone6860 June 17, 2024


  • @keithnone6860 June 17, 2024

    But people ask me what you think? Would you let oh off to cuz he was married. I would have been the guy that caused a hung jury point blank! Yea I think he did it but if you stupid enough to get married in the Hollywood porn capital of world and be that disobient to your husband as Nicole was and taking his money and fucking with other dudes and won't suck,lick and fuck then I would never convict oj of manslaughter even if I thought he did it. It would have been a hung jury had I been on cuz I hate marriage and think it should be in serial law in BANGLADESH!

  • @keithnone6860 June 17, 2024

    The white man used his media to make it look like the black jurors got oj off just because he was black so they could cause there racial divide for there segregated white cherrokke asses! But it was the white man who guided the other 11 jurors on the principle of marriage to a disobedient white woman who broke her vows and deserved to be punished by God ,by man!

  • @keithnone6860 June 17, 2024

    The deliberating was lead by a white man or close to on the principle of marriage. The black jurors all had oj did it or they didn't know if oj did it. The white man identified with oj in taking care of a white woman and she cheats on you, talking to other guys, and gets you out of the house to get alamoney. The white man native found reasonable doubt as the loop hole of racist police department and the gloves didn't fit which he put to other jurors as reasonable doubt , which persuaded other jurors to go with the white man's decision. That's why it wasn't a hung jury. Even to this day the white man that guided the other jurors to that decision say he knows he did it but because of the identification with oj and the biblical right to kill an adultrous wife and nicole being a disobedient wife , oj on the principle of biblical marriage law not race had the husband God giving right to do what he did!!! Therefore anybody who gets married, as a woman you are forfeiting your rights to the ownership of a man wheather you believe that or not, our court system is still biblically biased to disobedient slave wife's to there husband's. It was a hung jury until the white man said oj Simpson is me and how I deal with my wife or white woman. I find reasonable doubt because wives across this nation need to know if your a runaway slave and pull aloamoney out your husband's pocket then you will be biblically slain! That white man who was half cherrokke they say was the sole diliberator for the other 11 jurors because he made sure they understood reasonable doubt and there wasn't going to be a hung jury. This was for the impowerment of the husband's biblical right of punishment over woman regardless of race!!!!!

  • @kellyshumaker913 June 17, 2024

    Too bad DNA was new then. Same trial today? He ends up where he belonged….prison for life. Woman abusing, mudering sack of s**t.

  • @fallspring1033 June 17, 2024

    That jury was racist as Hell. If they had video of him doing it, they still would have said not guilty. SMH. It was their way of thumbing their noses at white Americans. Now if the tables were turned, say OJ was white and Nicole and Goldman were black it would have been a guilty verdict. Hands down.

  • @sarahs2288 June 17, 2024

    I watched another clip w/ an indignant Casey Anthony juror. He was defending his indefensible vote as well. He started to name off all the reasons why he voted “not guilty,” and they were ALL reasons why he should have voted GUILTY LOL. Jurors are stupid . Add cameras to the trial, and you’re almost guaranteed to get the wrong verdict. PATHETIC

  • @manthony777 June 17, 2024

    A table of all white jurors? There was only 1 Caucasian juror. Juror #19 was a little punk.

  • @riverebec1 June 17, 2024

    These are the same jurors we see every few years — the ones who got addicted to the fame and attention. The smart ones who KNOW they set a murderer free keep their heads down and their mouths shut.

  • @bouchralkhou5063 June 17, 2024

    Dumbest group of people ive ever seen, i hope karma bites the shit out of ur behinds. How insensitive and cruel idk how yall sleep at night

  • @lioncrest2384 June 17, 2024

    they turned it into a race thing what's wrong with people

  • @MyTony40 June 17, 2024

    Of course that moron would believe evidence was planted

  • @pete6705 June 17, 2024

    I don’t envy any of the jurors, but if any of them actually believe OJ didn’t do it they’re insane. At the time a lot of people, especially black people wanted to see OJ walk, but it’s so hard to imagine that a single person truly believes he didn’t do it. You only have to read about the case for 5 minutes to see he 1000% did it

  • I wonder if they feel as guilty as he does

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