July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The legislation that reshaped US immigration forever

Unveiling the untold reasons behind the surge in undocumented immigrants within the US.

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The landscape of immigration underwent a drastic transformation post-1996, marked by President Bill Clinton’s endorsement of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). This legislation aimed to curb undocumented immigration through heightened enforcement measures and penalties for residing in the US without proper documentation. However, the outcome was paradoxical, leading to a surge in undocumented individuals choosing to stay in the US, thereby witnessing a doubling of the undocumented population.

Our investigative journey was enriched by invaluable resources. Here are some of the key references that shaped our narrative:

– The Center for Migration Studies provides a diverse array of articles dissecting IIRIRA, shedding light on the law’s facets, the political backdrop influencing its enactment, and its enduring repercussions:

– Douglas S. Massey and his research partners at Princeton delved into the repercussions of intensified border control, as evidenced in their 2016 publication:

– Insights into return probabilities to Mexico following initial undocumented border crossings were sourced from the Mexican Migration Project:

– Pew Research Center and Gallup conducted pivotal surveys gauging American sentiments towards immigration, shaping our understanding of public opinion on the matter:

– Statistics on the annual Border Patrol budget were referenced from the American Immigration Council:

– Pew’s data on the population of undocumented immigrants within the US offered insights into the evolving dynamics of immigration trends in recent years:

– The Migration Policy Institute’s comprehensive coverage of immigration concerns, including recent policy briefs, informed our analysis:

– Alex Nowrasteh from the Cato Institute provided nuanced perspectives on immigration issues, with a specific focus on the implications of the three- and 10-year bars:

For in-depth background information, explore Vox’s past coverage on this topic:

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  • @MysticFnaticz June 17, 2024

    My med school will cost me 300k usd from my own pocket no financial aid no scholarships i have my US visa shpuld i really consider coming to US anymore? Should i give US my money but will i get return on investment? Give me one good reason to come to US legally and give you 300k of my money unless you provide me jobs in that field i aint giving or coming anymore my views changed

  • @marm6777 June 17, 2024

    Inhumane indeed. The Clintos are very evil people.

  • @razabadass June 17, 2024


  • @user-yu8vm6ru3d June 17, 2024

    1965 immigration act.

  • @getoffmycashews3197 June 17, 2024

    Now look…

  • @rohanch07 June 17, 2024

    US is a large country, full of natural resources and underutilized land. US must take between 10-20 Million immigrants every year. Its a win-win for everyone.

  • @joeromo7756 June 17, 2024

    Ironic,an Asian guy commenting about Imagration!!!

  • @joeromo7756 June 17, 2024

    First reason is all immigrants from Europe flooding our land

  • @tylerhorn3712 June 17, 2024

    It's so beautiful. My grandparents needed to have a job here, be able to maintain a job for at least 5 years before their visa became a legal license to live here.

    Now we have the border crossers that just come here freely. They get free housing and food. Now that is the hand out all should expect if moving to America!

  • @dinkeydink9376 June 17, 2024

    Funny LIES!, "most people see [illegal] immigrants as a strenght, not a burden.". Duh, last Gallup poll showed illegal immigration as top priority AND a burden! Biden will loose this election due to Open-Border-Policy. Biden/Harris – Clear And Present Danger!

  • @thecommentor1064 June 17, 2024

    in every nation, every home, PROTEST is a prerogitive and a right of Citizens not Visitors (visitors do NOT make demands)

  • @quakeknight9680 June 17, 2024

    If i was in power id bribe Europe to give us their migrants who are not native there into coming to America

  • @joehomo641 June 17, 2024

    I don’t think any of anyone in the government have done anything good for the USA.
    Nothing Period!!
    Not ever!!

  • @paoloangelino24 June 17, 2024

    Legal immigrants > illegal immigrants

  • @dave-000 June 17, 2024

    Yeah, this aged like milk.

  • @Ed_Row_Feez June 17, 2024

    This aged terribly

  • @tammyconnelly3324 June 17, 2024

    Remember stay in Mexico? I do.

  • Most americans see immigrants as strength? This video is aging like milk

  • @JFR-hh3qv June 17, 2024

    Its also due and to a great extent about our chronic dependency on the so called " cheap " labor 🙆🤷🤦

  • @LogicAndReason2025 June 17, 2024

    The poor constantly wonder how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Perhaps they can't see it because it is just too obvious: The rich simply get the poor to blame each-other for their poverty. The rich know full well that if the poor stop blaming each-other, they would vote for laws that favor labor (including all immigrants). And since they have so many more votes, there is nothing that stops them but themselves.

    Once people understand that more workers, means more commerce, which means even more jobs, they will realize they have been conned. Republicans don't want to stop immigration, they want to keep migrants undocumented so they can pay all workers less.

  • @user-od9kw7wb4j June 17, 2024

    Biden destroyed USA

  • @RorkesDriftVC June 17, 2024

    The US asylum laws are a disaster. Killing the immigration bill was bad for America.

  • @knockoutfever4 June 17, 2024

    Looking back, the fall of the US was in large part due to the open border policies. The US ceased to be a country. Davos/DNC succeeded.

  • @jeremyszabo5738 June 17, 2024

    Lies lies lies…. All an illegal alien has to do to overcome the 3 and 10 year bar is file an I-601 waiver. Don’t believe this garbage

  • @daviddurkin1862 June 17, 2024

    The extended list is valid, yet the author chooses to focus on shoplifting? Pause and read the violations that seem valid

  • @Jeanne90275 June 17, 2024

    They weren't "undocumented," they were illegal immigrants.

  • @crazyleaf257 June 17, 2024

    I think you have to think about your country the way you think about your family and your house. You don't want to just invite everyone and anyone into your house to eat all of your food and take your possessions. So we have to be wise about borders and immigration

  • @andrewlim9345 June 17, 2024

    Thanks for this backgrounder on the modern history US immigration policy and enforcement.

  • Cheap labor for business owners subsidized by taxpayers.

  • @mycollegeshirt June 17, 2024

    is it double? Or is it that the people who would have been previously considered documented are now considered undocumented?

  • @dustbowlhammer7119 June 17, 2024

    Bill "the slick" Clinton😂

  • @GGTanguera June 17, 2024

    Becouse they can abuse them and pay them less then the minimum wage. It benefits the rich, and they do take the jobs of the lover caste Americans. Capitalism 😅

  • @Pituqat June 17, 2024

    You can't squeeze with sanctions, trade embargoes, and US backed narcotyrants on one end, and not expect something to come out the other end.

  • @patrickvernon4766 June 17, 2024

    It’s not laws that broke Americans it’s a people. A new elite. It will take a new elite to overturn this current order

  • @Saturday6547 June 17, 2024

    You are not going to stop millions of people from all around the world from migrating to the UK, EU or the US, before it was people from the UK, EU and the US who would migrate, now it’s the opposite, this has been going on since the beginning of time, I don’t believe you can stop it.

  • @rd10 June 17, 2024

    Why does the US have so many illegal immigrants? Two words. Joe Biden.

  • @crusherven June 17, 2024

    I'm pretty pro-immigration, but I have a hard time feeling bad that people who committed violent crimes or trafficked stolen vehicles would be deported.

  • @user-zd5it4yr9b June 17, 2024


  • @user58541 June 17, 2024

    I missed the time where skilled immigrants migrated here

  • @thestudybuddy75 June 17, 2024

    Native Americans laughing hysterically in the background.

  • We need E-Verify and deportations when an illegal alien is apprehended by law enforcement for any reason. BTW, people are wising up on mass immigration and it has become as unpopular as it was in the 90's. Judges are largely to blame for striking down state and local laws to prevent immigrants from blending into the woodwork.

  • @robertobenavides39 June 17, 2024

    Current immigration is not from Mexico though, you should talk about all the immigrants nationalities instead of just Mexico, at least old immigration waves helped the economy. These current ones just want money from the government cough cough Venezuela

  • @AST7117 June 17, 2024

    Simple answer is if you try to immigrate legally… You are treated by a gambling lottery.

  • @TheCreedBratton June 17, 2024

    They are still a burden. Just look at the cost of housing!

  • @RextheRebel June 17, 2024

    The law that broke immigration was the 1965 immigration bill.

  • @charlespierce3647 June 17, 2024

    Not true, sorry and evil leadership broke our immigration process. The evil NWO.

  • @crw662 June 17, 2024

    This video doesn’t explain how the law caused more illegal immigration, it only showed the correlation of having the more illegal immigration after the bill was passed. Correlation doesn’t equal causation though.

    I’m not saying that the main reason for this mess is or isn’t this bill, but this video definitely didn’t prove that it was.

  • @cyntreciaholden7779 June 17, 2024

    Prison time would work. No deportation just ten years working in prison.

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