July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

The Quartering disgusting tripling down (Dr.Disrespect demonitized on YouTube)

Let this be a lesson that everyone who targets LGBTQ+ people for existing will do everything in their power to defend a someone abusing children.
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  • @Oliver.Pfahl. July 2, 2024

    After Doc got banned he took a hiatus and than dropped a song (his music overall is pretty nice) that is absolutely bonkers with today's context. This guy is out of his mind, he thought 'they' are coming after him. The songs name is Alleyways

  • @HotClown July 2, 2024

    I'm grippin


  • @lordfreeza July 2, 2024

    If Dillan molvainy did this what would they have said? (hope spelled the name right and that is not a dead name literally don't know)

  • @wddilly8488 July 2, 2024

    The quartering 100% has done the same shit

  • Thank you.

  • @gdbalck July 2, 2024

    Birds of a feather and what not.

  • @ysusha116 July 2, 2024

    DR. Disrespect needs to be locked up bye your done, dude no if ands or buts.

  • @vvvv54642 July 2, 2024

    So disgusting how these people will try to downplay grooming a teenager by comparing it with grooming a small child. Like, the social reprecussions for both should be the same, I don't give a shit, he's a grown ass man and should be called out and ostracized.

  • @BiPaganMan July 2, 2024

    The last time an underage person sent me a DM I blocked them

  • @kevin4061 July 2, 2024

    I’m so ashamed nic deorio needs more evidence than a straight up confession. He used to make like really good once per month deep dives and now he just makes jump on bandwagon stuff daily just to try and stay relevant.

  • @PhantomLord July 2, 2024

    Didn't Jeremy have metoo allegations from back in the MtG days?

  • @jamesrule1338 July 2, 2024

    It was never about right or wrong for these people. It's about their side needs to win.

  • @helvis7336 July 2, 2024

    of course, a fellow pedo defend the good doctor.

  • @crashchannel_2787 July 2, 2024

    If Dr disrespect had been a queer creator, drag queen etc, I doubt that quartering would care about the context of the messages and if they wanted to actually meet up or not. He'd be on a hateful rampage of how awful they are. It's only bc Dr disrespect is a white straight cis man that he's willing to bend over backwards to defend on this predatory behavior

  • @evilstereofairy July 2, 2024

    These guys know that these girls are underage bc they ALWAYS ask how old younger women are bc they must confirm the minorness bc that’s what they want. Their next question is ALWAYS “have you ever been with an older man?” They know exactly what they’re doing and they know the girls are underage bc that’s what they WANT and the men that defend that behavior either do it themselves or want to be able to chat w an underange girl and get away a it too. When I was underage I couldn’t tell you why adult men hit on me and my friends or why they’d want to. How naive I was. I still don’t understand why Beyond the fact they’re just disgusting creep pdf files. And Jesus Christ why is that attempting to be normalized by these men 🤮🤮🤮 also I’ve spent a lot of time getting dressed and undressed around drag kings and queens in dressing rooms and back stage area etc etc and I’ve never been SA’d ONCE. but can tell you too many stories of straight men violating my personal space and body since 14 years old, so when they trumpet loudly “it’s gays that are attacking children” it’s just a huge self admittance and you need to keep your children away from them. Edited for spelling

  • @guacemoly July 2, 2024

    thats so many likes. it would be SO funny if elongated changed his mind and made twitter likes public again

  • @PhilBertran July 2, 2024

    Remember why the quaterpoundering got banned from magic the gathering? I 'member.

  • @HerJonbenet July 2, 2024

    That Nicholas deorio guy is so weird to me. I watched one video before bc it got recommended to me and he did something called a r*pe review. It was very disconcerting.

  • @jallekulmala1370 July 2, 2024

    vaush cenk drake priests niinistö polanski jimmy page saville robert plant mohammed josef all the same 😢

  • @Mlckey July 2, 2024

    I find it hilarious that Nick can't seem to remember "inappropriate". I think that 5 syllable words are too much for him.

  • @RamenKitsune July 2, 2024

    I'm bawling with laughter at how bad Lance is saying D-Oreo. Wrecked.

  • @Sin3xtreme July 2, 2024

    At this stage anyone pedosplaining docs actions are just as much as a PDF File the selfs, I dont care if him/her was 7 or 17 they were still a MINOR , and those pedosplaining make me just as sick, I always ask if your minor child was getting sexted by a 35yr old grown ass man would you be OK with that, the fact doc used the same defence that all busted PDF files use "there was no intent"

  • @ChrisMathers3501 July 2, 2024

    What's the worst thing about TheQuartering and Doctor Disrespect?
    They're fucking immature assholes.
    They need to get thrown in with EDP.

  • @ImAfrogQC July 2, 2024

    I feel like you went pretty hard on nickmercs on this topic. Something like this happens to a friend or family member you don't just take some random person's word for it. As soon as doc confirmed it, he did the right thing and denounced it.

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