July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

The Scott Peterson Scandal

Let’s delve into the story of Scott Peterson, who was found guilty of the tragic murder of his wife, Laci Peterson, who mysteriously disappeared on Christmas Eve back in 2002.

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Warning: Spoilers ahead…

We owe a special thanks to Tabitha Kent, the dedicated blogger behind Crime Piper. You can find her blog and connect with her on Twitter .

Tabitha has been deeply involved in dissecting this case since its inception, meticulously examining all the details without any monetary gain and with not enough recognition. The intricacies of this case were overwhelming, and without her assistance in navigating through the vast pool of information and addressing numerous queries, this project would not have been completed on time. If you found the video engaging, a visit to her blog to express your gratitude would be greatly appreciated 🙂

Some may argue that her involvement indicates bias, but it’s important to note that this video does have a clear bias. However, it’s worth mentioning that Tabitha came on board after I had already formed my own opinion on the case. Her contribution was instrumental in ensuring accuracy in all the minute details, saving me countless hours that would have been spent searching for solutions to intricate questions.

Thumbnail Credit: Alex, Channel

For more information on Polygraphs:
For deeper insights into Memory: — Primarily discussing the controversy surrounding “repressed memories” but also touching on the broader topic of flawed memories in general.

Watch the video here



    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealMattOrchard | PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/MattOrchard | REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/MattOrchard | DISCORD: https://discord.gg/VfUCy8FK9t | Paypal/Contact: MOCrimeAndSociety@gmail.com

    Spoilers Below…

    Special thanks to Tabitha Kent, whose blog Crime Piper can be found here: https://crimepiperblog.wordpress.com/
    And she’s on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/TabbyKent

    Tabitha has been thoroughly covering this case pretty much since everything went down for no money and not nearly enough thanks. There were so many details to keep track of when trying to put this together that I can confidently say without her help navigating all the raw sources and fielding dozens of questions, I would not have been able to complete the project on time. So if you enjoyed the video, it’d be great for you to visit her blog and let her know how much she’s appreciated 🙂

    Some might say her involvement demonstrates bias or something. No doubt this video is unapologetically bias, but just for what it’s worth, Tabitha was brought on to help after I felt I had formed my own opinion on the case. As I say, it was getting all the little details right and saving me hours worth of time scrounging around for answers to niggly questions where she lent her invaluable hand.

    Thumbnail Credit: Alex, Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/FrankRandom/videos

  • @chloehoopes7248 June 18, 2024

    this case literally sounds just like gone girl if Nick did actually kill Amy.

  • @gmoney2667 June 18, 2024

    About (supposedly) confessing to his wife about the affair; "It was not a positive…it was inappropriate." This guy makes Prince Andrew sound sincere.

  • @BigBirdTitty June 18, 2024

    Hey can anyone tell me how Connor was found serperate from Laci? I've wondered that for years

  • @ivandesantis858 June 18, 2024

    Just watching him on the night of the 24th being questioned by Detective Brochini he's slumped in his chair there's no urgency in his body language or affect. His unborn child and wife are missing over 8 hours by then and it's after midnight and he's just too casual. One theory I read by a former FBI agent believes Scott killed Laci on the night of the 23rd drove to the Marina that night and dumped the body then having the cover of darkness to hide his actions. The prosecution thought so as well but they went with the 24th because they didn't have to prove that as Scott admitted it himself in his fishing boat story.

  • @artphototech June 18, 2024

    Did you murder your wife? "Ehh 😏Nooo"

  • @MediaMAC871 June 18, 2024

    So obviously guilty, well that’s what I see

  • @vivelajonny June 18, 2024

    Idk it seems a little weird he was convicted. No convincing evidence. He probably did it but i dont think he should have been convicted 😊

  • @ikapatino3214 June 18, 2024

    I would have found Peterson not guilty. They found Casey Anthony not guilty. How did Lacey die? Where's the murder weapon? You mean to tell me the first time he kills someone he leaves behind no evidence and if he were a better actor or not having an affair he would be free today?

  • @theodorerobert6774 June 18, 2024

    I’m sorry but Scott is a straight up hunk. I wish he had been gay, I would have let him pound and never tried to limit him to monogamy. He’s actually even sexier in the prison jumpsuit

  • @lorianabanana6066 June 18, 2024

    The mopping thing- my mom reminds me of an older Laci, they even look alike. And both are/were total neat freaks. I've seen my mom mop with a broken ankle and clean windows almost immediately after carple tunnel sugery. Some people just won't stop moving even when they medically shouldn't.

    Personally I don't think he did it. Don't get me wrong, he's a cheating narcissistic dbag who never deserved the life he had. I don't think he cared that much about Laci and probably hoped she had just bounced on his cheating @ss. BUT- that doesn't make him a killer.

    I think somebody might've tried to physically take the baby from Laci's body, unfortunately it's not uncommon for desperate people to attack pregnant women to steal the baby. But the poor baby didn't live through the attack. Just my opinon. Either way it's awful for Laci's family and I'm so sorry for their loss.

  • @chezfun June 18, 2024

    The 2nd leading cause of death of a pregnant woman is murder by the baby’s father, sad but true. These men are either married to another of don’t want the baby 🙁

  • Guilty azz hell!!

  • @AA-xc7sm June 18, 2024

    He looks like Ben Aflic in Gone Girl

  • @karenkneisley288 June 18, 2024

    A vicious craven soul is the description of Scott Peterson.

  • @violarulez June 18, 2024

    the fact that you took the time to filter the patreon ad's audio when the camera switches to macaulay's perspective 🔥🔥

  • @Spawniiieh June 18, 2024

    I'm very late to the party (not the Scott Peterson story, but your video) but this was one of your best videos yet. Amazing Matt, thank you! Fuck Scott Peterson.

  • @THEYuYama June 18, 2024

    If i had a nickel for every crime story Matt did on a child/baby being murdered near christmas I'd have two nickels… which isn't alot but it's strange it happened twice.

  • @tshrinivas June 18, 2024

    Scott Peterson is a very good golf player. He should be allowed to play in open tournaments.

  • @jeanettecook1088 June 18, 2024

    Excellent video…well done!🎉

  • @jayAh635 June 18, 2024

    Man, he murdered the coolest wife ever. She didn't really mind he was cheating on her and she was totally cool with staying home by herself at 8 months pregnant to clean and cook while he golfed/fished on Christmas Eve.

  • @RAN-xs5lm June 18, 2024

    I’m from Berkeley, and have lived all around the Bay Area. Laci’s body washed up at Pt. Isabel, a park where I walk my dog almost every day. I’m only 22 now so I was too young to watch this unfold in the media in real time, but my father who was a public defender for almost two decades broke down the case for me when I was 14 or 15 , and that one conversation made me a true crime fan. This has got to be my favorite piece of content I’ve seen about this case .

  • Dude looks like the Joker when he smirks and smiles. Super creepy.

  • @user-ue8tq4vf5p June 18, 2024

    You didn't hit her nor did you beat her……but you murdered her Scott 🙄🙄

  • @aspiringschizo June 18, 2024

    i really thought he was innocent for a second. lmao damn

  • He never thought she may have gone into labour? Wouldn’t that be your first thought if your heavily pregnant wife wasn’t home when you got back from your not suspicious at all fishing trip? Unless you knew it just wasn’t possible.

  • @sspotter1978 June 18, 2024

    7:25 I don't want to sound petty… but regardless of anything that happened I'd speak up too if the police damaged my truck and Land Rover in one fell swoop.

  • @angelakyle4838 June 18, 2024

    Your narrations and analyses of cases are priceless! Have me chuckling.

  • @Tj-ho2fs June 18, 2024

    He’s absolutely guilty.

  • @monkeyisland819 June 18, 2024

    diane sawyer is an evil witch, thumbs up if you agree

  • This dude is a first class douchebag!

  • @cutandgo June 18, 2024

    This man, Neil Entwistle and the one who also killed his wife on Christmas day in England are among the worst husbands to have even existed on earth.

  • @Revelwoodie June 18, 2024

    I'm an older lady. I grew up in a time when people respected each other's opinions. Mainly because we never had to listen to them, lol. Somewhere along the line (yes, I blame the internet), half this country went crazy. So let me clear a few things up:

    – the earth is round
    – there are no secret alien spacecraft in New Mexico
    – Scott Peterson murdered his wife.

    Any questions, feel free to contact my left butt cheek, you absolute turnips.

  • @CBDeliveryy June 18, 2024

    Matt, we love you bro!! I love how you stick to the facts and even talk shit about some of these POS's!! Bravo 👏 sir thank you for all that you do

  • @Ravenofpoe June 18, 2024

    So I work corrections and all calls unless it's to an attorney or a medical doctor are recorded. If the lieutenant had a phone call allegedly stating what he heard where is it.

  • @toughpuppyx June 18, 2024

    First video I’ve watched of yours. This is a great channel.

  • @pinkdarkboy7127 June 18, 2024

    I don't understand the people who want to free him. Even if he didn't kill her (he did), actions have consequences. If you cheat on your pregnant wife and tell your mistress that she's dead… and then your wife dies, you're going to be blamed for the murder, even if you didn't do it (he did do it though.) Too many people go through life thinking there are no consequences to their actions, and the possibility of being put in jail for a crime you didn't commit should be on the back of every person's mind when they cheat on their SO's. Because if your spouse goes missing or gets murdered and it's found out you're cheating on them, that's gonna make you prime suspect number one, and that is something you should fear. Let evil people live in fear. I see no wrong here.

  • @ay2612 June 18, 2024

    The biggest crime in all of this was Amber's acting on the call

  • @Artyomi June 18, 2024

    24:30 About the polygraph tests being inaccurate- I think if someone asked me “Did you murder your wife” even if she was right in front of me, my vitals would spike. If my wife was missing and I had nothing to do with it, I would definitely freak out from the question. I don’t know how polygraphs made it this far with how bad they are.

  • @matthewjoyner1595 June 18, 2024

    Weird thought after listening to this episode many times: it’s almost like Scott did things and acted in a certain way so as to draw suspicion to himself on purpose. I feel like he tried his best to immediately become the only likely suspect, like he expected the cops to investigate him, find nothing directly incriminating, and clear him as a suspect and move on right away. Like he knew he did such a good job covering up his wife’s murder and planted many seeds that would point to some other perpetrator, he was 100% confident the cops could search all they wanted and they wouldn’t find anything directly linking him to the murder and would drop him as a suspect. It’s not the craziest way of getting away with murder I’ve ever heard. Am I the only one that feels this way? I mean, I can’t imagine the balls it would take to purposely draw suspicion to yourself knowing full well you’re guilty. But people do crazy things

  • @itscharlieschannel June 18, 2024

    A lot of these makes me think Americans haven't heard of the term "divorce".

  • @Rugelacharugula June 18, 2024

    Please. Stop showing up to courthouses to cheer jubilantly at shit like this. You look awful.

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