July 2, 2024
Hate Crimes

Top 5 Most Controversial BANNED Reddit Communities

Edit: Thanks for the sub, kind stranger!
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Reddit is undoubtedly one of the best places to go for discussion around hobbies and interests, but hot dog, the second you click out of reading about the new Animal Crossing update you find yourself in the middle of a shouting match between a series of the world’s most tragic people. While political arguments are fairly harmless, some of these communities, also known as ‘subreddits’, really push the boundaries on what is morally acceptable, while barely staying within the confines of the law. The Reddit staff have had to make multiple difficult decisions about banning said communities, as no matter how vile these communities are, people will still defend their freedom to share and discuss such topics. In this video, we explore some of the worst, and most controversial subreddits, and the strange and funny stories that came along with them.

Some tracks courtesy of Lakey Inspired:



  • @ManyKudos June 30, 2024

    ☠ Sup fellow narwhal baconers, did your favorites make the list? Would you have put something else in there instead? Let me know! ☠

    If you haven't already, please consider liking and subscrumbling, it fuels my soul energy during this dark time!

  • @kuroenekodemon June 30, 2024

    12:51 You know the ironic thing about r/fatpeoplehate is the insane amount of projection that these Redditors actually hate themselves

  • @ChaseKelleh June 30, 2024

    This channel is so painfully unfunny and cringe but actually has good content ideas. Not sure if hate watching or watching out of interest of the topic…

  • @TheOmegaRiddler June 30, 2024

    BrainCells. Or Bra Incells. Get these losers a bra. They need it for those moobs.

  • @patcj6559 June 30, 2024

    wheres my fucking food uber????

  • @lawrencelopez9839 June 30, 2024

    I was going to try whale watching for a holiday, but then covid happened then my savings and stamina took a dip I have yet to recover from

  • @dmon9333 June 30, 2024

    Godly intro

  • @WolfDarkrose June 30, 2024

    really fat people hate ? and 100% those fat haters hatin on BIG SMOKE… nah bra you dont fuck with big smoke. groove street coming.

  • @Beeville777 June 30, 2024
  • @BlueGamingRage June 30, 2024

    I still miss fatpeoplehate. It provided an important outlet. Unfortunately, the fats have won

  • @gwenderp6229 June 30, 2024

    @11:40 bottom left girl looks like a serial killer holy shit.

  • @CircusFoxxo June 30, 2024

    Nexpo's video on the "Lake City Quiet Pills" mystery goes over some more stuff about r/jailbait, including a private imagehost used by subreddit users for posts that went… further…than the subreddit posts

  • @Thescoot101 June 30, 2024

    Idk but I have this new habit on Reddit we’re I become wario for some reason

  • @megacody1018 June 30, 2024

    19:35 accurate Dave Mustaine impression 😂

  • @VanBourner June 30, 2024

    I watched this while sleeping 10/10

  • @eternitisRequiem June 30, 2024

    Chin needs help, holy hell imagine making a deal with someone and not following through.
    That is absolute cancer on a stick of dynamite waiting to blow up in your face, disillusioning tactics such as these are a sign of much larger character flaws.
    Doxing is never okay, I don't care how high you are on the smell of your own farts, it's disgusting at best and a well-deserved life sentence in prison at worst

  • @lunartree9922 June 30, 2024

    Its that time of year where people rewatch this exact video

  • @3lderGoos3 June 30, 2024


  • @chelseahindle3645 June 30, 2024

    To have fallen asleep, and woken up to a three year old video autoplaying, and then be directly called out is brutal 😂

  • @Cervidae June 30, 2024

    ngl, i kinda miss r/watchpeopledie. not for that i enjoyed it, but for the fact that it makes you realize just how easy life can end.

  • @elijahpaulin4292 June 30, 2024

    6:46 a few years ago i lived with some fellow sopranos fans. when the movie came out, i started seeing a bunch of giant ads in the train stations i would pass heading into work, and i decided i wanted one. i spent about a week figuring out what was holding it up. it was stapled to a corkboard behind it so it was just a matter of loosening the arbitrarily placed staples and slipping it out of the frame. i loosened the staples, waited for the train to stop with the conductor’s window way ahead of me, slipped it out of the frame, walked right on the train with it, and got off at the next stop and waited for the next train to avoid suspicion. my roommates were very impressed (and shocked by its size). they still live there and it’s still up above the couch

  • @ZWilver June 30, 2024

    why do you look like a younger version of Saint Daniel Larsson

  • @worm-net772 June 30, 2024

    ur videos are corny nerd

  • @VisualBunny June 30, 2024

    I genuinely thought fatpeoplehate was shut down because it ended up attracting a lot of fat fetishists and the infighting among the two camps caused the downfall. I feel like this version would have been infinitely funnier than what really happened.

  • @TheSuperappelflap June 30, 2024

    Didnt even talk about r/dolan smh

  • @zakthebigmac1431 June 30, 2024

    This guy looks like hes in speech and debate

  • @KeeIowa June 30, 2024

    What abt r/2balkan4u

  • @Toaster_152 June 30, 2024

    You look like if Daniel Larson had his life together

  • @marksmann6546 June 30, 2024

    does anyone know what tts voices he uses at 12:45?

  • @RedTail1-1 June 30, 2024

    His flat is nicer than my friggin house…

  • @Atomsk2 June 30, 2024

    SIR! I saw 🍇 bait on the list of Reddit pages! It’s not in this list of banned pages! Is it banned?!? Cause it needs to be!

  • @rufusgillespie9940 June 30, 2024

    i fell asleep while this auto played

  • @dragonetafireball June 30, 2024

    I once ended up on r/holdmyfries from a cross post on r/holdmybeer and commented that the woman wasn’t even fat, turns out woman they where referring to a woman barely in frame who didn’t do anything and wasn’t the focal point so I didn’t notice her after actively looking.

    I proceeded to receive a long unhinged reply psychoanalysing me based on a 1 line comment saying I was in denial about myself so couldn’t see this woman was fat and they wouldn’t stop harassing me and making new replies to the same comment even after I clarified it was a misunderstanding.

    I proceeded to never return to the sub again as all I’d wanted was goofy videos of people falling over.

  • @plaguedoc6367 June 30, 2024

    5:13 are we brushing by the dick sander search

  • @Seagaltalk June 30, 2024

    Reddit is so much worse now

  • @tobyeasterbrook8117 June 30, 2024

    In theory, a community of people should be able to police themselves and make sure nobody crosses too far over the line. A little bit of line crossing has to be tolerated, but too much and the community implodes.

    Unfortunately, this community is Reddit. I’ve argued with someone who said all Star Wars fans were fascists on Reddit. This person loved Star Wars but refused to call themselves a Star Wars fan because they hated fascists and thought that all Star Wars fans were fascists. I’ve been downvoted for (correctly) pointing out that the majority of Europeans are Christian. I’ve even been downvoted for calling out someone grooming a child, because apparently it’s not grooming if the adult man claims that teenage victim’s parents are okay with a long-time friend of theirs dating their daughter. Something about that website draws the stupidest fucking people together, and they congregate in the stupidest fucking subreddits and say the stupidest fucking things.

  • @MrOverHeels June 30, 2024

    Technically I'm an incel myself (or not involuntary, since in don't really give an f), but it still baffles me that people are that desperate for sex. Holy jesus.

  • @manifestgtr June 30, 2024

    As long as they never take r/kidsarefuckingstupid away from me, I’ll be happy. That’s all I want out of life…

  • @peterhurst6782 June 30, 2024

    I remember the Incel Reddit fondly, only because being called a "sexhaver" as an insult gives me chuckles to this day.

  • @chewiepuppies June 30, 2024

    r/banpitbulls just takes all that racist anti black slogans commonly said amongst white, supremacists and switches, the black part for pit bulls as a facade. They got reasonably popular but that only served to shield them from criticism as they use people who actually didn't like pitbulls as human shields to hide the moderators racism

  • @foxtailedcritter June 30, 2024

    On a lighter note I used to post on r/meth

  • @foxtailedcritter June 30, 2024

    R/beastality is pretty bad.
    There also was another sub Reddit that shared news stories of kids and animals getting "K illed" and the owner "Tim" ended up being a zoosadist who met up with another furry to make IRL animal g ore videos. But I think that second one might be a bit too dark for this video.

  • @ez4039 June 30, 2024

    /r/thedonald banned for political reasons

  • @bruhzzer June 30, 2024

    man I miss r/kill_her

  • @cyanide1322 June 30, 2024

    Top five topics that were too good for Reddit

  • @Striker9 June 30, 2024

    Humans left to their own devices can come up with some sick and screwed up shit

  • @rtkizzle5512 June 30, 2024

    Do I just woke up and had your videos autoplaying while I was asleep. I hope you have other times in your other videos where you talk like that while I’m asleep. Gives me a good feeling.

  • @kca698 June 30, 2024

    “even their dog is fat” @11:42

  • @zenkaisean8710 June 30, 2024

    You didn't mention that the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman (u/spez) was a mod of r/jailbait

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