July 4, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Trump Putin MASTER PLAN Gets BLOWN WIDE OPEN By Expert | PoliticsGirl

We just had the G7. There was just a Ukrainian Peace Conference in Switzerland. Here at home we have a wanna be dictator running against a President who fights dictators. Today we talk to international expert Andrea Chalupa about two broad stroke topics, what’s going on in Ukraine, because I think most of us have kind of checked out and don’t have a clue anymore, and what Trump will offer in a second term in regards to American immigration which, after doing the research is so horrifying that it absolutely can’t come to pass. At the end of the day Trump wants to make America Russia and Russia believes it’s owed the world and we need to understand both things if we’re going to properly fight back.

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Twitter: @AndreaChalupa
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YouTube: @gaslitnation

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  • @MeidasTouch June 29, 2024

    Thanks to our show's sponsors:
    https://sundaysfordogs.com/politicsgirl code:PoliticsGirl
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  • @user-yl9nf2lz6s June 29, 2024

    God Bless trump

  • @fredreeves7652 June 29, 2024

    As a side note, medications and illnesses can also cause the “fullness” appearance in the face as in Putin’s case; don’t forget, last year there were health scares that something was wrong with Putin, and I believe his health is still an issue illustrated by your observations of his face.

    On the subject of dictators, yes, dictators have a playbook on how they so easily manipulate the masses to hate their fellow citizens, especially those that are unlike them… but you’re missing the missing link or ingredient related to the ease that change and acceptance occurs.

    Dictators like Putin and Trump and the rest of their gaggle of worldwide conmen and tyrants understand basic human nature; once you harness that understanding, then it is no different than a magician leading his viewers down a road predestined for them, whereby they essentially have little to no choice but to go down the rabbit hole the magician has chosen and prearranged for them.

    Let's face it, at our core when left to our own devices, humans are bastards and are not nice people at our core. We’re nice and tolerant of each other during normal times because that is how we’ve been trained or socialized; left to our own devices we’re still selfish animals at our core, whose first instincts are to lie, cheat, steal, and judge others; and niceties must be trained or instilled in us for society to function.

    The Putins and Trumps of the world know how to tap into our worst fears and instincts that are basic to our real human nature, and put simply humans are extremely “judgmental creatures”, it is literally in our DNA for self-preservation as a species, and the tyrants of the world are more than happy to use and exploit our natural but anti-social instincts against us for their benefit… via the tools of fear-mongering, racism, bigotry, and xenophobia. And the ease to manipulate a vast population becomes effortless in a politically unengaged, apathetic, and ignorant society, which is just fine with Putin and his coconspirators in the Republican Party.

    In conclusion, there is a reason why history seemingly always repeats itself; as but one example of many, there has NEVER been a generation in human history where peace prevailed over Earth. Mankind has ALWAYS conflicted with each other… ever wonder why? The short answer is, that it is in our DNA; the problem now, of course, is what do we do in a world beyond the bow and arrow, where today we can annihilate nations in the blink of an eye 100 times over via nuclear warfare? Even under that threat, we continue to take our tug-o-wars right up to the edge of mutual destruction.

  • @BrendanPowel June 29, 2024

    Maga is an unpatriotic nest full of traitors
    America felt low…

  • She's absolutely right ✅️ 👏

  • @annnunley9777 June 29, 2024

    Much of Russia is not livable and Putin means to steal with brutal force, land and all riches because he is greedy for himself!

  • If you want to go slumming with a PREDATOR with history going back to 1850,
    you will guarantee the failure of America!
    If you listen to Don the CON, you have invited LUCIFER & ALL THE FILTHY LUCRE CULT this world 🌎 can….

  • @mglickman13 June 29, 2024


  • @mphoramathe1801 June 29, 2024

    It's seldom mentioned how the right-wing of any country is the breeding ground for the rise of authoritarianism.. time we wrote a history syllabus for the world geared to preventing authoritarianism… And spreading the work of Jacque Fresco wouldn't hurt either

  • @janetbishop-vw4kq June 29, 2024

    I hope you are right that an election will stop him. I am not so optimistic. He tried to stage a coup once, but i think that was just a dress rehearsal.

  • @janetbishop-vw4kq June 29, 2024

    The same that Hitler did. He got bottom of the barrel scum to fill his ranks.

  • @rogerarmstrong8893 June 29, 2024

    Who America belongs to? Really! Let's all roll our eyes together. Are you Americans?

  • @brendaechols5929 June 29, 2024

    Trump wants to put Americans in poverty. Then he wants them to beg for bread crumbs .

  • @nellielegros7807 June 29, 2024


  • @paulbirke3730 June 29, 2024

    It looks like Trump is Putin's puppet and the people that share Putin and Trumps vision are being put in positions of power. Simply put, a gang of thugs robbing America.

  • @mrscpjones16 June 29, 2024

    Dictators are NEVER happy. They will turn on you and your family in a heartbeat.

  • @mrscpjones16 June 29, 2024

    Vote like your life depends on it because it does. Vote for Democracy and Democratic down ballot. Protect the dream of the founding fathers. Protect our Constitution and Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights. They are the crown jewels of American Democracy. Don’t let anyone take these precious ideas away.

  • @mrscpjones16 June 29, 2024

    Trump voters put America in the situation we are in now.

  • @mrscpjones16 June 29, 2024

    Vote for Democrats straight ticket up and down ballot. Save Democracy.

  • @emilyw3483 June 29, 2024

    Think of products Trump would approve without some controls on quality. Sprays, food, crops….no regulation for the public so long as the rich can get what they want.

  • @emilyw3483 June 29, 2024

    if you have funds, donate to the Dem. Legislative Campaign Committee and help us get the Senate please and the House and the White House. WE need to clean up the Supreme Court. It has voted some dirty stuff about how you can take funds after a case is over as a gratuity. Hey, that's not what the Constitution says. Stand together with the people with integrity and write to voters, call voters, make sure we are not a sadistic country.

  • @humbertoazzalin9042 June 29, 2024

    Not true. Expert in being woke. Democrats are socialist and socialist are experts in making people slaves and poor to stay in power. Look at Venezuela

  • @emilyw3483 June 29, 2024

    Best program ever. Best program ever.

  • @user-xt4wu2lp7u June 29, 2024

    It is so sad that we see right wing people upcoming everywere..And the people who vote for them are so ignorant and stupid…….Have not they learned from the past???!!!!Think !!!!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT WING IS EVIL.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Unfortunately it's the Ukrainian Nazis that gave Russia no choice but to come in and stop their behavior.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Oh no I know all about the devastation in Ukraine I have followed it from the victory in Mariupolel where the Nazi battalion headquarters was and now Russia has held that city ever since.
    I know about the invasion force that was about to overrun the two states who rebelled against Kiev.

    The Russians came in just in time to encircle and destroy this 100,000 men and equipment gathering across the front line.

    Did you know any of those things? If not you have bad sources.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Incorrect Putin has been saying all along ever since 2014 when we overthrew the Democratically elected president of Ukraine that he would rather Ukrainian government solve its problems with the Russian people that live in Ukraine. The mince agreements were meant to stall Russia from taking action. They stalled Russia for eight and a half years and that's when we come to the date of February 22nd. Please do not pretend like you do not know that this happened.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    I understand that 27 million Russians died in world war II defeating the Nazis That's your people. Russia's now defeating the Nazis and Nazism once again in Ukraine.

    Ask her if she knows who Stefan bandera is? Tell us about his life.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    She feels close to George or well but doesn't see this dark or wellian actions of America right now maybe she should read that book again.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    When was she one of those brown-shirted The brown shirt girls that the Nazis and Ukraine would take their kids to to practice being soldiers and killing Russians and play games where they killed Russians.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Oh I get it This young lady is a Nazi. No wonder she hates the Russian so much Nazis have a thing about hating Russians in fact this is really just it's like a race war except both races are the same color You can't tell him apart for all you know she could be Russian.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Well she's immediately wrong again what Putin told the oligarchs in Russia is that you can go ahead and do what you're doing but you have to reinvest the profits in Russia The problem was that the oligarchs were investing the money elsewhere out of Russia so he read the riot to the oligarchs. And many of them left. Putin says good riddance.

    I keep demonstrating how you need a lot of education as far as Russia particularly President Putin and what he's done for his country there's a reason everybody loves Putin in Russia He's creating a middle class in Russia You do know that Russia is capitalist now don't you?

    As little as you know about Russia I fear that you may be under the impression that it's not a capitalist country.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Well here's a little lesson in economics This pattern of all of the wealth being transferred into a small number of hands there's a cycle of that about every 70 years or so our country collapses The first collapse was after the revolutionary war when the Continental dollar became worthless The second one was in 27, The next one was the civil war. And then we all know the famous one 1929.

    This is a symptom that capitalism is just known for It goes through these boom and bus but it's still produces goods and services to the citizens much better than any other system.

    Yes I am a capitalist because I possessed the capitalist property rights of a capitalist. Both of these ladies I believe are also in possession of those rights.

    In the court of law you were defined by your legal rights not your mental ideology.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    You're wrong about Donald Trump again He's a capitalist and he will let the ratings do the damage which they already are our media companies have made this day mistake of getting in bed with the government that is being shown to be corrupt. We can tell by the lies they tell us like Ukraine can defeat Russia. Did you fall for that or something? How stupid are you?

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    You don't understand that Donald Trump is greater than that Donald Trump is going to overthrow all the dictators every one.

    That includes Joe Biden.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    You can tell that the interviewer does not know the history because she classifies what Russia did as an invasion instead of an intervention to prevent the genocide of Russian people in the territory of Ukraine. If you want to know you Russia would be glad to give the territory back as long as he could be guaranteed the protection of the lives of the Russian people who live there.

    And you think you know Vladimir Putin.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    The anchors first comment is completely wrong. America overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 with the help of the Nazis who they put in charge there. Finding Nazis in their government the Russian people of Ukraine revolted against the government immediately.
    Does any of this sound familiar has either of you ever heard of the midon massacre do you know anything about the Minsk agreements do you know about the Ukrainian people voting twice once to leave Ukraine a second time to join Russia This was during the 8 and 1/2 years that they were fighting Kiev all by themselves Russia only came in to help on the famous date of February 22nd.

    So as a person who knows the history of these events I can't wait to hear what this lady is going to say.

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Is this person a follower and admirer of Stefan bandera of the national hero of Ukraine?

  • @genebaughbba3479 June 29, 2024

    Oh no I can't wait to hear your experts.

  • @vickieguevara2042 June 29, 2024

    All they have to say is a convicted felon can't be president.

  • @violetbarrett2799 June 29, 2024

    The cow residents under submission to the paltry few lumpen poletariot

  • @redstar77 June 29, 2024

    Andrea Chalupa is very articulate and insightful.

  • @dontask3613 June 29, 2024

    Keep picking/highlighting up these awesome talented pro democracy people Meidas! We see you!

  • @runrau9275 June 29, 2024

    According to Pootins alternate History the Holodomor was just a couple of Ukrainians who went on a Hunger strike……

  • Great dialogue 🤔

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