July 5, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Tucker Carlson – Insider Trading in Congress

Peter Schweizer joins Tucker to discuss how Congress has given themselves insider trading perks no other Americans enjoy. More evidence that the government is not us.



  • @lucian5304 June 26, 2024

    They will never control this problem…it's impossible a staffer could sell insider info to anyone..they don't even have to have stock accounts to be tracked…just sell the info ..hard to track cash …

  • @StopFear June 26, 2024

    LibertyPen, you are obviously shilling for Trump. Shame on you for even using the world Liberty in your name.

  • @humboldt777 June 26, 2024

    Why a trust fund? Ban the activity all together!

  • @imalaughimacry480 June 26, 2024

    Does Congressional ethics committee still exist ? If so they should be the first to be jailed !!!

  • @imalaughimacry480 June 26, 2024

    Drain the swamp , build the wall and end AFFIRMATIVE ACTION

  • @douglasthompson9070 June 26, 2024

    So the golden rule is slightly different in the USA:
    Instead of whoever has the gold makes the rule, it's whoever gets to rule makes the gold!

  • @robertoviana514 June 26, 2024

    This is OUTRAGEOUS. Insider trading is illegal. No wonder Hillary acts as if she is impervious to the law. She is!
    Drain the swamp!!!!!!

  • @betterelpaso June 26, 2024

    Sorry but it was Anthony Wiener that point this out. He even presented a Bill. And then a few weeks later?????

  • @zfallon84 June 26, 2024

    Well, Tucker, that's what government is. It's a gang of criminals. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"

  • @darthhodges June 26, 2024

    To clarify, insider trading is not illegal IF you report that you made an insider trade. When Bill Gates makes stock trades he often reports them because he has knowledge that makes him an "insider". In simple terms that is knowledge about the company that is not readily available to the public. You can view records of his and all other reported insider trades online. If he failed to report an insider trade, that would be a crime. Congress should be held to at least the same standard as everyone else. A simple way to hold them to a higher standard would be to require them to consider all thier trades insider, then they must all be reported. If they can earn our trust back we can then consider holding them to just the same standard as everyone else.

  • @OneGenericName June 26, 2024

    A corrupt Congress? I'll be darned, color me surprised. /s

  • @nustada June 26, 2024

    Isn't the whole point of government is to break the rules? I mean I can't go to my neighbor and extort them under threat of kidnapping either.

  • @kmg501 June 26, 2024

    Too many Americans really have no idea of just how pervasive and systemic the corruption of politics is. This is why if we must have govt that it needs to be kept tiny with very few well defined tasks. Anyone who thinks that govt can be kept corruption free should be denied the ability to vote. They're just too stupid and thus dangerous.

  • Conflict

  • @AxisDimension June 26, 2024

    The book is called "Throw them all out" and the only solution is to throw them all out; the only way I can think of to fire a politician is by recall election

  • Drain the swamp.

  • @sdushdiu June 26, 2024

    Both Houses of Congress voted UNANIMOUSLY voted to remove the reporting function and thus gutted the bill they passed only as a result of the exposure of the practice. Professional politicians are a PROBLEM. And one wonders why their 401Ks etc dramatically outperform anything that the private market affords.

  • @ybsambo4573 June 26, 2024

    We have criminals wanting to take our constitutional rights away from us well the day they want to take my gun they can have my bullets first he's corrupt liars and thieves need to be eliminated

  • @ybsambo4573 June 26, 2024

    90% of our politicians & gov ran agencies are corrupt I need to be kicked out of Washington bank account seized assets Frozen and sent to Guantanamo for trial when found guilty hang them ,I say

  • @GrimrDirge June 26, 2024

    "True, under democracy everyone can become king, so to speak, not only a privileged circle of people. Thus, in a democracy no personal privileges exist. However, functional privileges and privileged functions exist. Public officials, if they act in an official capacity, are governed and protected by "public law" and thereby occupy a privileged position vis-à-vis persons acting under the mere authority of "private law." Thus, privilege and legal discrimination — and the distinction between rulers and subjects — will not disappear under democracy." – Hans Herman Hoppe

  • @b.cdrisk2035 June 26, 2024


  • @capgains June 26, 2024

    What’s so difficult to understand
    You have power, influence, and are protected by those in your network. And better yet, you’re able to write into law your exemptions.

  • @gggusc11 June 26, 2024

    Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking sewer!

  • @eightycubicft June 26, 2024

    This s***'s been going on for a long time I like your Tucker you do good work but the amount of good work that's being done by a lot of people including yourself is it going to change much for the Common Man

  • @KowboyUSA June 26, 2024

    How did you think every top level politician receiving a upper middle paycheck becomes filthy rich overnight. They're all dirtbags and belong in maximum security prison cells.

  • @LFSPharaoh June 26, 2024

    Insider trading is perfectly legal for them wtf

  • @jamesharback1760 June 26, 2024

    Time for a Constitutional Ammendment – Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives

  • @lastchancemst1 June 26, 2024

    Kinda like following trump or hillt

  • @lastchancemst1 June 26, 2024

    We know this yet the voters are dumb and complacent

  • @lastchancemst1 June 26, 2024

    Bs. Not hard to prove

  • @lastchancemst1 June 26, 2024

    Fuck yes last chance u r correct

  • @lastchancemst1 June 26, 2024

    Martha Stewart went to prison for that chit

  • @chloeagnew1 June 26, 2024

    Insider trading is good for poor investors.

  • @MyCatFooed June 26, 2024

    Time to go find the hidden pitchforks!!!

  • @expertssay76 June 26, 2024

    So many members of both parties leave Congress as multimillionaires. Nice trick to do on a government wage. Drain the swamp!

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