July 5, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Uncovering the Truth: Confronting Falsehoods in a Spontaneous Debate | AE #10


Exposing the Real Thoughts Behind Closed Doors | AE #09

Revealing Uncomfortable Truths | AE Podcast #08


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00:00:00 Teasers / Intro
00:00:46 Skip Intro
00:01:54 Navigating Misleading Statements
00:05:09 Community Council Proposal Discussion
00:12:26 Uncovering Disturbing Remarks
00:16:42 Analyzing Information
00:25:19 Seeking the Truth
00:34:59 Addressing Personal Disputes
00:40:47 Reflecting on Differing Perspectives
00:44:04 Sharing Insights on Business Practices
00:47:27 Exposing Deceptive Practices
00:49:57 Engaging in Thought-Provoking Conversations
01:01:28 Challenging Misinformation
01:15:49 Unearthing Revelations
01:23:44 Shedding Light on Misconceptions
01:28:43 Examining Fictional Characters




  • @destiny June 18, 2024

    FULL PODCASTS & BONUS EPS ►https://www.patreon.com/anythingelse
    Keffals Reveals What She Really Thinks About Destiny In Leaked DMs

  • @jessiejoy1703 June 18, 2024

    TLDR : Dog pile on Loner box over JK Rowling 😉 😝

  • that was a real bitch ass way to end that destiny

  • @richo863 June 18, 2024

    is the audio garbage or is it my headphones?

  • @DarkMichael9 June 18, 2024

    Bro Dan you can't be an Elon simp tech guy LARPer and be impressed by a 27 inch monitor with chat, and a wireless mouse…

  • @camoonesar9190 June 18, 2024

    It’s crazy how much Dan speaks and nothing he says matters. He’s the most annoying part of this terrible shit

  • @lukasthedark8478 June 18, 2024

    For future reference can dan STFU during debates? He asks the most boring, derailing questions. Nobody cares about harry potter and the dogwarts joke was never funny

  • @philoshua June 18, 2024

    This discussion only worsened my problem. My problem was "Who is Lonerbox?" And now I have to add to that, "Who is Historyspeaks?"

  • @Pipkins0263 June 18, 2024

    11:37 I think discuss this with yourself 😂

  • @RobotJQ June 18, 2024

    maybe less dan.

  • @matthewhudson6036 June 18, 2024

    random twitch streamers deciding who should be unbanned would cause a riot cause then you'd have on video people being inconsistent.

  • @JTHundley June 18, 2024

    The audio on this vod is 300ms off.

  • @MrJondellis June 18, 2024

    Re-act vs enact.

  • @radscorpion8 June 18, 2024

    damn I love trolling boxy boy

  • @lurice0 June 18, 2024

    @28:56 im bout to smoke a box of Ls

  • @lurice0 June 18, 2024

    They only brought this guy on because he looks like hasan

  • @riznooo June 18, 2024

    I m soooo smart i have a PHD…..but i forget what i tweet and say about people a week later…if u cant remember ur own actions..a few weeks ago i cant believe u can actually use ur phd as a defense of ur education…PHD is a master. A master of memory of what u did and learned…if u have a phd and u forget ur own actions..dont expect people 2 respect ur degree..

  • @RGS578 June 18, 2024

    Do they seriously not remember why the tribunal didn't work? It was because it was a positive reinforcement loop, for banning people. The way it worked was that you would get a certain amount of IP/RP for reviewing and voting in the case. And then if your vote led to the ban of a player, you were awarded with points. The problem was that the individual has no incentive to ever vote that the person shouldn't be banned. It was a 4 choice outcome tree.

    [Vote guilty & they were guilty] – Gain IP
    [Vote guilty & they were not guilty] – No change
    [Vote not guilty & they were guilty] – No change
    [Vote not guilty & they were not guilty] – No change

    There was no advantage for any individual to vote anything other than guilty. So everyone just voted every case guilty.

    And if you add a negative reward for getting a decision wrong, you disincentive people from participating, and also risk players quitting because they got resources taken away from them. Also, from a practical point of view, [Vote not guilty & they were not guilty] is a non-sequitur. The whole point of the tribunal is to act as a filter for cases. So if a bunch of people say they're not guilty, and then someone manually reviews the case, and confirms they are not guilty, it defeats the purpose of the filter. The main point of the tribunal is to NOT review pointless cases.

  • @henryburton6529 June 18, 2024

    Hannuka Dundee

  • @timothygrady2905 June 18, 2024

    Can someone explain why this pod started with Dan? After a few episodes, I can't stand him. Fucking crocodile dun dee wannabe

  • @alnlvntntlv8964 June 18, 2024

    When will the world realise already that Palestinians and Palestine refers to the ancient phillistines (who were mostly greek) and that the local Arabs who conquered that land in the 7th century took that name and made it their national identity in the 1960’s….

  • @ul4906 June 18, 2024

    'Rule lawyering' you fucking ban people for literally nothing and refuse to revoke the bans Dan. Hilarious conversation given the Destiny's reddit moderation.

  • @brother_van3409 June 18, 2024

    How much for Dan to stop wearing the fucking hat

  • @bajsmongo2000 June 18, 2024

    Dan talks like he is saying something funny, but nothing he says is funny, its like the illusion of comedy.

  • @john66687 June 18, 2024

    Mad grunting into the mic at 1:26:15 lmao

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