July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes


Someone on Twitter has leaked why Dr Disrespect was banned and he responded in the worst way possible

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  • @burtturdison4445 June 27, 2024

    Obviously the Champaign Communist has to chip in as well innit

  • @flamezodiac5736 June 27, 2024

    Hasan talk about pool party streamers showing there privates parts to children and watching their money grow

  • @scumitarop6707 June 27, 2024

    So doesn’t Hassan regard drama YouTubers as the lowest of the low… and I guess it’s okay when he does it…?

  • @NJTRAF June 27, 2024

    The Venn Diagram of Right Wing people and Sex Offenders is looking an awful lot like a Circle

  • @LeftIsBest001 June 27, 2024

    Also known as Dr Dickhead

  • Never heard of him.

  • @exxabkgaming3349 June 27, 2024

    Not surprised at all tbh lol

  • @belmiris1371 June 27, 2024

    His hairstyle and stache is luxurious. I'm jealous.

  • @cjfast11 June 27, 2024

    the gillette song goes crazy has to be said

  • @idcfunny1217 June 27, 2024

    Knowing everything now, it was so obvious minors were involved…

  • @FlamingNinjaBoi June 27, 2024

    Looking back, it was pretty obvious it was something quite serious. There are very few things you can do that will get you unceremoniously dropped by all of your connections, bridges simultaneously lighting up in a fiery blaze to such a degree. Especially at this guy's level.

    Either he literally killed someone, did SA, or was traipsing around the PDF file pool. And since we weren't seeing active criminal cases for these years… well, the 'technically legal' third option was pretty likely.

  • @roninchan June 27, 2024

    Dr KidInspect

  • @stephencarmickle June 27, 2024

    Wait. Apology video for cheating on his wife was in 2017? Thats the same year he messaged the minor. Either he did a lot of cheating that year or….

  • @rebeccacarolan262 June 27, 2024

    7:37 why'd his voice get so sexy 😮

  • @_letstartariot June 27, 2024

    I just learned that I was let down by Dr Disrespect when he cheated on his wife and apologised those years back, when I didn’t even know he existed. I’m glad he apologised, cos I was so hurt. The apology to us was needed /s

  • @weirdautumn June 27, 2024

    He's becoming the new right-wing weirdo martyr because of course he is. The pdf file to right wing influencer pipeline is strong and he will probably get a kick deal out of this.

  • @hughquigley5337 June 27, 2024

    I think Doc should have his medical license taken away

  • @mamostreet1676 June 27, 2024

    It's always projection with the fascist

  • @MikeEspinoza-br6lj June 27, 2024

    He is an alumni of Willow Glen High School in San Jose, CA and the Wiki for that school already updated his name under notable alumni as "Groomer" LMAO

  • @misterandylink June 27, 2024

    Drake talking to underage girls: Not Like US
    Dr. Disrespect talking to underage girls: NotLikeThis

  • @dancheng3014 June 27, 2024

    "I was right."

    No. You jumped to a conclusion based on prejudice and not evidence – and you got lucky.

    That's not any different to a racist who was sure that black man is a criminal – and that black man did turn out to be a criminal – but the racist was not 'right' – the racist was just lucky.

  • @s-nova9254 June 27, 2024

    They gonna say it was all doctored

  • @DesolatedChild018 June 27, 2024

    At first I also found his response weird based on the same gut feeling alone. You don’t use corpospeak to respond to being accused of that shit, you feel more than righteously secure of yourself to go “where the fuck is this coming from, there’s no low you guys will go with such bullshit, wtf go fuck yourselves” – And I’m sure the good Dr. would jump into the offensive in a far harsher comeback. Assuming that, he that he’s not a file of the PDF variety, that is. Being the crusading hero for children all around, it would have been both confusing (initially) than outright viscerally revolting.

    So yeah, it’s an interesting way to protect your reputation, and that’s right from the jump.

    But when the “settlement” was brought up, I understood how way, waaay bigger of a self-report that was… With underlying extra grim implications; Given the severity of what’s he’s been accused of, you would think the biggest platforms in the industry would have, at the very least, got authorities involved, given that they took such an decisive action in a context of this “big reckoning” that was being publicized in the media. Of course, you would also have to be born yesterday to imagine that.

    The thing is, and it’s a fucking grim pill to swallow, but the dude accidentally gave away the whole game for Twitch as well. By talking about “a settlement” he basically confirmed that what happened was Twitch going: “We will keep our mouth shut and to ensure that you do play along, and leave without trying to pick a fight, here’s ‘compensation’ money”.

    It’s disappointing
    He was sexting minors, the fact that there were no screenshots leaked yes kinda scary… I mean, victims are always rightfully reticent on speaking up – specially a teenager agains this hyper aggressive guy with a fanbase of devoted footsoldiers. And what Twitch itself was going to do probably factored in.
    But regardless, someone brought everything to Twitch. On rumor alone nothing would be done against him. And Twitch, as it’s always been, did what corporations do; It cared only with protecting the brand, and avoid having the authorities into this.

    I didn’t thought I would still be surprised by corporations not caring about harassment and straight up noucery by now. But it still sucks to have this been reminded in this blatant fashion. Ultimately, this fucking creep is still just one. Twitch, Youtube, TikTok, etc are always 100x times more monetary powerful and influential than any single predator regardless of their success. Not to mention, they are harbor multiple predators. There’s 0 doubt in my mind who’s, by miles and miles, the greater evil. Their #metoo is becoming less of a “cynical” take on social justice and more the sincerely felt subtext: “Me too wish you shut up just ad much as your predator”.

  • @ayebing June 27, 2024

    You’re next champ.

  • @odorousobject8165 June 27, 2024


  • @blondiemancojoe1066 June 27, 2024

    Your boy Hasan is next stfu.

  • @MusicalBoarder June 27, 2024

    he has since come out with admitting he did it

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