July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth

This might be one of the most important videos I’ve edited in 2018. After everything that has been going on with the privacy crisis and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg going to Washington to speak with members of Congress, I felt that this video was timely. I think social media can be good but we must be careful with how we use it.

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Speakers in the video

Cal Newport
Mark Zuckerberg
Tristan Harris
Steven Kotler
Chamath Palihapitiya
Steve Bartlet

Interview Sources for:

Music composed and arranged by my brother, the Absolute Motivation composer:

N I M Z Official Soundcloud:

Keep the fire burning & let’s grow together.


– Facebook

– Twitter

– Soundcloud

Copyright Information:

I made this video with the intention to help others in a motivational/inspirational form. The clips and music I have used I do not own in most cases. My understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however, given that it is open to interpretation if any owners of the content clips would like me to remove the video I have no problem and will do as fast as possible. please Email – [email protected] – if you have any concerns at.

These videos are transformative in a positive sense, I take clips from various sources to help create an atmospheric feeling that will help people in different situations in their life. Be it overcoming hard challenges, giving them more fuel in various sporting scenes or act as hope for those who need to hear encouraging words.
I also do not wish to use the heart of any piece of the work that would perhaps decrease the market value of the original content, if anything I hope to promote the content so that people can reach out and subsequently increase the market value. These videos are to educate people in an entertaining fashion. Given these are very short videos the short parts I use them to act as a catalyst to further reading.



  • @AbsoluteMotivation July 3, 2024

    Hey everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed the video and found some insight in some of the destructive behaviours that can be developed with excessive social media use. This was interesting for myself and my team to understand and learn more about.

    I will say a couple of things. I really don't condone the hurtful things being said about Mark Zuckerberg's appearance, I know the thumbnail overdramatises the video. Many people are saying quite a lot of unsettling things and I get it you are like "he is rich, who cares", but that's not the point, bullying is bullying and saying hurtful things is bad. I hope you can see where I'm coming from. Doesn't matter if they are a billionaire or some outcast from some part of the world. This is not what we are about.

    It's important to be critical of big companies and it's important to be fair and objective in your analysis.

    I don't think Mark is a bad person or Facebook in general are bad or even social media but as Chamath says in the video, "if you feed the beast the beast will eat you." This is the most important point of the video.

    I encourage you all to take a more nuanced approach to the video and not to view it has a pure condemnation, how we grow as a society and as people is to understand and use empathy.

    For me the video serves as a cautionary tale as to what can happen when you go on autopilot mode and what can happen is that your time and attention is controlled by others. This isn't just about social media it is about anything in life.

    Anyways, be kind. Be fair and objective. Speak your mind but respectfully, if you hate social media say it, if you love it say it. Share why you think so or don't.

    The most important thing is that we engage in a dialogue together.

    With love,

  • @WisemanEyeman July 3, 2024

    Meta in Hebrew means “Dead”

  • @plastine769 July 3, 2024

    It wasn't comfortable for him to tell us the name of the hotel so should we be comfortable when he has all our information?

  • @sameerkhanday50 July 3, 2024

    The picture of Mark Zuckerberg on Thumbnail look like a devil…..

  • @zeinayasser5647 July 3, 2024

    I deleted social media apps a few monthes ago
    I changed 180°
    I learned russian,spanish and sign langueg
    I became better in my education major
    I became an assistant in school subjects that ive took
    I learned cooking
    I started improving my art skills
    Learned body language
    Learned morise code
    I swear if someone met me a year ago i would say thats impossibel to do in 5 monthes only
    Now i see it possibel to learn more than that in 4 monthes

  • @amymcdivitt4600 July 3, 2024

    I have been off all Social media platforms for 3 years and it’s the best thing other than quit drinking that I ever did

  • Let's not deny the amount of misinformation, mistyping, misspelling, lack of verbal skills, and faked images that are infected in many messages. Children believe them, and will fight you that they are correct.
    Destruction of intelligence, human communication and whole countries. Never doubt it.

  • Absolutely destructive! No question. 😱

  • @n-dub3811 July 3, 2024

    When a person is an addict, they need to rehabilitate. if they know they have a problem and don’t want to solve it, then they’ll continue to be an addict. Person has to admit it, realizing how it affects their life, and want to stop.. and you have to work the steps. Goes for social media and any other addiction. I don’t think most people want to stop.

  • @people1425musya July 3, 2024

    they've tried to warn us a long time ago

  • @zerowxis July 3, 2024

    " when it shows up that high you get that's dopamine its the magic…"
    no wonder…

  • @Gooooooomba July 3, 2024

    You can see that the childrens with phones will just sit next to the walls during recess while the ones without phones will actually play together.

  • @qsi4xs588 July 3, 2024

    6:39 i stopped i couldn;t watch it anymore i wanted something new. This is real.

  • @RomanManjolo July 3, 2024

    It's not about the problem itself but how we handle the problem.

    We Need to be in control, don't let digital and media control us

  • @CrispyDaFrog July 3, 2024

    the only thing like social media I use is YouTube, and the amount of time it has stolen from me will make sure I stay away as long as possible

  • @RoseyDopey July 3, 2024

    Peterson being wrong on mgtow helped me realize two things, either mgtow itself is the new attention grab and peterson is in on that, orrr.. he agrees… the phone that tells you you're worth it in life, to hit that gym, get the girl/man, do your due diligence at work or whatever duty you've taken as your own, and do it right.

    Iunno where i am in life, i've strongly given up, but… Iunno.. some people really have a lot of learning left to do before their interaction with other people can be considered good for both parties

  • @user-wh9rt5uc8d July 3, 2024

    I wish that i saw this video 5 years ago .Now i am in the deep of sh!t .
    But as they say coming late bater than not coming.
    wish me luck.

  • @Parc1022 July 3, 2024

    I really hate instagram, facebook and other social media platform idk why people are so addicted to this but for me it's boring, i tried to like insta but after a few days i quit, they really are boring for me except for youtube and whatsapp, i don't have any social media..geez, people this days are really boring 😅

  • @Kmno4-with-oxygen July 3, 2024

    Guys that’s pure evil. This thing is the cause for all mental disorders. World completely changed after 2017

  • @NiekkieNick July 3, 2024

    That Zuckerburg is such a creep!!!

  • I want to change my iphone to a flip phone now

  • @jubairtahsin3054 July 3, 2024

    Mr. Zuckerberg would you share were You’ve been last night 😅

  • 14 MILLION views and look at how many people are still so gd stupid😅😅😅😅

  • @user-tw9dc3gv5r July 3, 2024

    Any person who has found the purpose of his or her existence won’t be wasting time over what’s called “social media”

  • @paulbaldie July 3, 2024

    Great words from the guy in black hat.

  • @Strindberg77 July 3, 2024

    So, this is six years ago – where are we today? AI is now helping as well – not just psychologists and market specialists. We hear chatter about brains being rewired – and I believe it. It is a shame that this chatter is so faint… #thinkb8

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