July 4, 2024
Violent Crimes


#courtcase #youngthug #atlanta #atlantapolicedepartment #ceddynash #crimeinvestigation #ethicsmatter #informer #integritymatters #jefferywilliams



  • @Wickedangel85 July 2, 2024

    Ms Bumpass did say at times there were 14 ppl in the judges chambers counting court staff that were in and out and the ADA’s aids. Nothing can be privileged in that meeting. It was basically Woody and Ms Bumpass against everyone else in the room. This was clearly witness tampering and intimidation. There were 2-3 deputies and 2 investigators from the DA’s office along with both DA prosecutors. Prosecutors are not privy to discussions between a witness and his lawyers. Then if they pressured him and threatened to hold him in jail for years then didn’t let him speak with his attorney representative alone to discuss it that goes against due process.
    He didn’t want to testify to begin with and when he plead the 5th Amendment it was probably to protect from self incrimination. I’m not sure why judges would put witnesses in jail for taking the fifth. That is a right. The 5th also deals with due process.

    Text of the Fifth Amendment

    The full text of the amendment is:
    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

  • @AnthonyRubioLaw July 2, 2024

    Ceddy, this good content. I sometimes criticize you but it is intended as constructive criticism, big homie. You pretty solid, even if i was comparing you as a lawyer, a lot of lawyers lack the most important characteristics: hold smart, reading person and situation beyond the words, intuition, and awareness.

    I Would love to talk with you sometime about this case and your thoughts on things. You seem to have some insider knowledges…

    Anyways, I wanted to say that I have a feeling this whole ex parte fiasco may just be legal. The Georgia statute and case law has carved an exception for hearing with judge prosecutor and witness when there witness raises safety concern. Could it be possible Lil Woody 12:32 🤥 was seeking witness protection and dude to his fear 🎉


  • @DomCapoDM July 2, 2024

    At those points the judge should be bought up on charges. I don’t know what the charges would be, but for the sake of mankind sheesh, glanville is an animal.

  • Yea so all that power has went to his head he has a tyrant mentality

  • @lbrhodes6080 July 2, 2024

    With all those credentials is Granville therefore above reproach? I think not. Until I understand the basis of that exparte, I will reserve my opinion.

  • @DeannThomas-le2ut July 2, 2024

    Wow what a travesty that he has decided to end his career in shame and corruption! No privilege is offered when an independent 3 rd party is involved.

  • @DeannThomas-le2ut July 2, 2024

    The Attorney for Woody has stated 14 people in the room. There was NO PRIVILEGE! Just as Steele said if there is a transcript and court reporter in the room there is NO privilege.

    Also the judge said he would review “this” meeting and then seal it after. Pick out the world “this” which would preclude there was more than one to choose between. It’s been suspected that the judge has had other secret meetings like this.

    The female witness that was being propositioned by the investigators, in her testimony she said she had told the D.A. She couldn’t make it in because of a hospital visit and asked the judge to call her. How did she know the judge? Why would she ask the judge specifically to call her? This shows a relationship between the witness and judge. Obviously 🙄 she met the judge prior to her testimony likely in a secret meeting.

  • @brandelllee2609 July 2, 2024

    It has to be the entire transcript based on the fact that the attorney client privilege does not count. The witness was under oh this secret meeting was held in the judges chamber along with judge numerous court officials and numerous attorneys there is no attorney client privilege here.

  • @kethansanford2074 July 2, 2024

    Judge trying to hide behind Woody PC protection

  • @Trey-qb8ht July 2, 2024

    Glanvillle and his counterparts have over 8,000 cases that r severely past due, meaning people have theses cases hanging over their heads. All while glanville is working 4 hour work days overseeing this unfounded RICO case that the state has already shown there is no organized crime based offf rico criteria. The way he's constantly disrespecting everyone's time with his time management is so rare from a person with his position, but also proves his incompetence.
    These backed up cases seem to only be a Fulton county issue. Why is that and who is to blame? FannCi and Ural-anul
    I really think Glanville believes he's doing a good job and has no bias, which is more reason that he's got a. Screw loose or. Something is cross wired.

  • @Trey-qb8ht July 2, 2024

    He served 3 years active duty, which is the bare minimum. Since then he's been a reserve. He never participated with any wars or any thing to assume he's hard core Rambo of the sorts/army man. Guaranteed he's as soft as he appears. He strategically used the system to receive a free education. I'll assume that there wasn't much competition for what he pursued with military lawyer.

  • @user-fj3ev2qd2q July 2, 2024

    The meeting alone is a violation period. He is trying to hide something that is obvious. What else is obvious he will soon be gone. Will that be a good thing he is the devil we know only time will tell.

  • @barbiebandeaux July 2, 2024

    Aint no transcript the court reporter was excused on several occasions

  • @Glitch-kl4yr July 2, 2024

    Interesting video. Pro Tip: Raise your camera up a bit. Your audience doesn't want to be looking up your nose while you're talking. Keep up the good work. 🤘😁

  • @viralmecrazyy July 2, 2024

    Ceddy bout to drop !!!!!!!!!

  • @viralmecrazyy July 2, 2024

    Ceddy drop that shit!!!!!!! I’m here like a baser nail bitter

  • She Fied

  • @montaguebyrd2 July 2, 2024

    Hold up are you saying just because he’s a “army man” he will destroy someone in what since sir?

  • @viralmecrazyy July 2, 2024

    Ceddy drop the video!!!!!

  • @tonyabradford240 July 2, 2024

    Why are they allowing this judge to operate illegally

  • @daylcday8459 July 2, 2024

    Question for you believe he didn't do nothing wrong if the ex parte is rong from the get go wt you think

  • @AdrianJarmarvelous July 2, 2024

    The way he interrupts the defense all the time is crazy. but will let the DA speak for weeks at a time

  • @BIGFACE432 July 2, 2024

    Brig-a-deer!!! Not Brig-gator!! Lol

  • @jameskelly8825 July 2, 2024

    Is this fool on the judge side

  • @thatsheenagirl5096 July 2, 2024

    This trial is so public this judge is fuckin himself over being the way his is.. keep playing dirty judge it’s just gonna get u in trouble an we all watching for that at this point

  • @bettersalute July 2, 2024

    Young Thug meets Judge Thug

  • @raieful July 2, 2024

    Mr Steele Sing along My Buddy my Buddy!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣he loves Mr Williams !!! We all need a lawyer like him ❤

  • @tomikajones5844 July 2, 2024

    Him being in the military has nothing to do with him being bias af!!

  • Why is the judge so staunch on not providing the whole transcript unredacted,it’s something in there he’s going to take out that’s relevant to ending this trial and he’s going to hide it

  • @ambroselincoln505 July 2, 2024

    Bro I’m with you on all this YSL but why are you not covering the presidential debate do people want to hear your opinion get in there bro!!!!🎉

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