July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

Your line of questioning is transphobic

Berkeley Law Professor Khiara Bridges: “I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence.”

Sen. Josh Hawley: “Wow. Are you saying that I’m opening up people to violence by asking…”

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  • @BettyBo-zg1ok June 20, 2024

    Who is she? I love her already.

  • @ancient_technique June 20, 2024

    What a terrible teacher

  • @kathleenorourke1009 June 20, 2024

    I do not understand how this is alliwed to change the definition of male, female, girl, boy, man and woman. Especially in the written law making an amendment or clause to include transgender is ok. But an attempt at erasing male female is absolutely out there beyond the pale.

  • @DangerWildman420 June 20, 2024

    Her eyes tell it all. You really can tell a lot of time how crazy people are with their eyes and this bitch is looney as Daffy Duck.

  • @FrozenCappucino June 20, 2024

    What a nutter. If transgenderism is really as prevalent as they claim and if denying trans rights is really causing an increase in suicide rates, how come the rates are higher now that people like her exist and are vocally in support, compared to say 20 years ago when trans people were constantly the butt of jokes?

  • @TheAstralLights June 20, 2024


  • @dads1962 June 20, 2024

    And your answer is Woke… so?

  • @NoneOfYourBusinesz June 20, 2024

    How have we allowed people
    Like this to exist?

  • @amazonkee74 June 20, 2024

    This is truly sad….believing that men can get pregnant is a delusion.

  • @LaniWahine4 June 20, 2024

    I’m a trans woman and this made me laugh. Is this a skit? 🤣

  • @nikkocarter6604 June 20, 2024

    Where do these people come from somebody put a stop to this freak show

  • @bicofire7390 June 20, 2024

    The U.S. has gone crazy 🤦

  • @short207 June 20, 2024

    1:30 Oh, just fuck already.

  • @MaxCady969 June 20, 2024

    She'll be out of a job soon, and will come up with an ingenious bullshit explanation as to why she tried to virtue signal a man who's brain has not been infected by the bullshit she'd like to infuse humanity with. She should be jailed

  • @jvdw4178 June 20, 2024

    Terribly obnoxious poor excuse for an educator

  • @PFGNW June 20, 2024

    Dumbest B on the internet.

  • @alpine1600s June 20, 2024

    He asked the correct question, she didn't like it because it reveals how STUPID she is. 🧐

  • @Verkoper-gx2xz June 20, 2024

    Is this Berkeley law? Wow, absurd. She doesn't provide any evidence as to why his reasoning would be 'transphobic'. Really? Do students have to pay that amount of money for such a poor reasoning??????

  • @BT-hk2co June 20, 2024

    She doesn’t believe this nonsense either. She told him that if he doesn’t believe men can get pregnant then he believes trans people don’t exist. But when she discusses pregnancy, she compared “cis women” who were capable of getting pregnant to “cis women” who weren’t. Then she states trans men and nonbinary people can get pregnant. Trans men are naturally female and nonbinary includes natural females. She doesn’t say all nonbinary people can get pregnant, as if they were asexual. So, she too doesn’t believe men can get pregnant and therefore believes trans people don’t exist.

  • @marcbranscome4484 June 20, 2024

    She is a 🤡. Needs to be removed from teaching.

  • @maximus2k1spat June 20, 2024

    I can't listen to this anymore!🙄

  • @adirectconflict June 20, 2024

    …and this neanderthal is a teacher? Good Lord, what is this world coming to……The only trans that exists is trans-fat and only women can have babies. What a joke she is.

  • @Mr_Boss_Smile June 20, 2024

    so they have to be shielded from reality because if not they'll suicide?

    how is that our fault?

  • @RyanDeakin-mm7pm June 20, 2024

    No such thing as CIS. They are men or they are women. It's extremely insulting to use the term CIS. You are risking lives by indulging their delusion. Statistically it is NOT phobias that are costing lives but acceptance and kindness. Since people started using pronouns and indulging delusions their suicide rate has skyrocketed! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/

  • @kushnkanopy8940 June 20, 2024

    we saw this exact type of scenario the south banned the word slavery so they never talked about it

  • @SmeshBrohs June 20, 2024

    His line of questioning was ignorant, but willfully so. That is why it actively promotes viewing his question as inherently transphobic, because he knowingly says: "would that be women?" and subsequently refuses to give her the chance to explain why that way of questioning her argument by barraging her with accusatory rhetorical questions that try to imply an attack on his character, but are in actuality contending with a problematic view of the question he prioritized as his issue with it. Her wording was poor, but the argument behind it would make a lot more sense if she got to answer the questions. You don't ask someone a question, realize they have a solid answer to that question and just scramble to find an issue with the first part of their response to question and interrupt it to ask a question to absolve yourself of any wrong doing. He is petty and individualistic and contributes nothing to the conversation other than lame, immediately disputable gotcha.

  • @DerrickLehrke June 20, 2024

    Because only women can get pregnant doesn’t mean the men that want to be women don’t exist. That makes no sense.
    Or just means you are what you are.

    Someone not believing something your not, doesn’t make you stop existing. Your existence or what sex you are isn’t affected by anyone’s choice of vocabulary.

    It’s like saying you don’t want to be referred to as walking, but instead flying….. ok, you didn’t go for a walk, you flew to the park….. doesn’t make you a bird, and you still walked the same as everyone else.

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