July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes

YouTuber ImAllexx Allegations Are Disturbing

Youtuber ImAllexx ex-girlfriend dropped disturbing allegations with 82 pages and videos of receipts. This controversy is wild.
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  • @CinnamonToastKen June 29, 2024

    I see that my comments that I made about bpd has upset people. My apologies for being insensitive to the people that live with the disorder and manage it properly. Unfortunately, my own personal experiences and experiences of friends and family with those with bpd have been terrible. My comments come from a place of hurt and personal experience, but i never clarify that or explain so my comments generalized those who suffer with bpd and manage it with those who dont. That wasn't my intention, but it was the result, so again, i do apologize.

    EDIT – while i am sorry for my comment regarding bpd I will not condone trivializing or excusing abuse of any kind in the comments mental disorders or not. If you or someone you know is being abused by anyone please call emergency services or a domestic violence hotline. 1.800.799.7233 or text "start" to 88788 (australia 1800737732)

  • @hollycurtain6429 June 29, 2024

    Apologies from BPD is a double edge sword.

    While you can hope for genuine words of apology. Which there may very well be, genuine sincerity.

    There will almost always be a mix of manipulation and self pity. Different for all cases/affected person of course, to the degree of manipulation and pity being present.

    But while you are sat with someone who has BPD. (From personal experience) Your mind absolutely plays tricks on you. Because you want to hear the good stuff. Believe the apology.

    Although separating the person from the disorder, can be a self manipulation in itself.

    Honestly just feel awful for Alex and those he is hurting. Horrible situation.
    I hope actions and words are faced with consequences. No excuses. But BPD. Horrible. Horrible disorder.

    I hope what I have said makes sense, gives a perspective of sorts and isn’t offensive.

  • @zixella2256 June 29, 2024

    I didn’t like him since he accused his friend of rape, was proven wrong, and didn’t publicly apologize.

  • @star_is_a_potato June 29, 2024

    Absolutely wild to see Alex get exposed for abusive behaviours after that one time he supported the misrepresentation of someone else's teenage mistakes… this is all worse and way more provable than anything people wanted to paint Slazo as. I wish more people would talk about the hypocrisy because it seems that people have forgotten what happened back then.

  • @ulexxite June 29, 2024

    Of course he's abusive but PLEASE do not talk about all the people in general with BPD like that, especially since you have no knowledge in that matter.
    I have BPD and living life with a debilitating mental illness is tough enough on its own, hearing you guys make that comment broke my heart. We are NOT all abusive. He certainly is BPD or not.

  • @isaacsucks June 29, 2024

    ken be quiet challenge go

  • @joscalynhocking June 29, 2024

    smoked my first bowl of the day and turned this one on because it’s been awhile, currently 9:03 in and i don’t know if im so high that Ken’s voice just doesn’t seem like it’s his real voice 😂 or if it’s been so long i just genuinely forgot how he sounds and my brain is just tricking me 😭😂

  • @bahhhhaha5535 June 29, 2024

    When Ken said: there is not that much screaming in this fight. That’s true because manipulators don’t need to scream. They just want to cut you as deep as possible. And they often say things calmly so it’s YOU whose fault everything is and you start to question everything and baaaam you are manipulated….

  • @prettydoll1537 June 29, 2024

    No wayyyy I used to watch him a few years ago

  • @Victoria-qp1lu June 29, 2024

    I have bpd and would never act like this. If anything my bpd makes it so I stay with people like this because I believe they’re right.

  • Abuse doesnt have to be loud to be harmful. Saying the most cruel things while remaining completely calm shows a persons lack of care for the person they are supposed to love

  • @McSciviy June 29, 2024

    Laughing and calling it YouTube drama when there is clear proof that this is abuse is why women struggle to go to the police and report things like this.

    Also the BPD comment shouldn’t have been said, not everyone with BPD is evil.

  • @QuinSteph June 29, 2024

    Abuse can be mental and emotional as well as physical.

    Abusive people are almost always sorry after their abusive behaviour so that the other person stays.

    The victim will walk on eggshells around the abusive person in the hope of not setting them off.

    The abuse will start out small and get worse over time.

    The abusive person can become controlling of everything even money making it hard for the victim to leave.

  • @Purrfectlypinkkitty June 29, 2024

    I have BPD diagnosed in 2019 I’ve been with my fiancé 5 years and we have a two year old. There’s been difficult points in our relationship I went onto antipsychotics and learnt to control my emotions and self regulation tactics and our relationship is healthy

  • @phrog2775 June 29, 2024

    Tell me why I thought this was kurtis coner

  • @sambora123 June 29, 2024

    But without context to this conversation and or situation she could be antagonising him then turn the camera to get his reaction which she knows will be angry and emotional. You see videos online all the time with people doing this, being deliberately obnoxious and antagonistic then telling the camera when they turn the camera on that the person is horrible and out of control and threatening them. You didn't hear what she said before she started recording there fore you cannot judge his reactions at face value.

  • Why's this stuff always posted on tiktok/socials?

  • @jamiedee2409 June 29, 2024

    He is such a clown. She has PROOF, videos of him saying all of this. Him agreeing that he did certain things. Hope he gets cancelled for good.

  • @jennAdair June 29, 2024

    My sister went through some awful shit like this, too. She also was able to document a portion of it. @heatheradair884 ‘s channel even has it posted so that the vile man cant keep telling everyone that it’s all bullshit. These ‘men’ out here are wild.

  • @mossypebbles June 29, 2024

    I'll be honest with a topic like this more care needs to be invlolved if you're going to make content around it. ImAlex is a liar and we know this because of his own allegations of SA against another creator. Not once in this video did you say the word domestic violence or abuse. I understand in a court of law he is not guilty but there is irrefutable proof in video and audio that he is an abuser. If this doesn't align with what you believe then I simply wouldn't make or post the video. There are things you've covered that can handle some jovial commentary like TCAP but something that is just blatant abuse is unbecoming of you .

  • @WeirdZombiechick19 June 29, 2024

    as someone with quiet bpd , it is never an excuse to abuse someone, no bpd isnt an easy disorder for anyone invovled but it is never okay to use your mental illness as a never ending excuse for shitty behavior

  • @fatimar1119 June 29, 2024

    I’m not surprised at all, did no one learn from slazo???

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